The Meeting

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There were terrified faces swirling around me when I opened my eyes. However I could only make out one distinct, ugly face. I did what came naturally, I punched Snape's face and sat up. A huge wave of nausea and queasiness engulfed me and I was afraid I would have a vision. The whole class stepped back and I managed to stand up.

"Detention, Miss Black! A whole week of detention!" said Snape glaring at me as the bell signalled the end of class.

"No." I said defiantly glaring back at him. 

His nostrils flared as he said to the class. "You are dismissed!". He turned back to me. "You will not refuse my detention, otherwise I will send you to the Headmaster for assaulting a teacher!" he said angrily covering his nose which was now bleeding.

"Fine. I wonder how the Headmaster will feel about you poisoning me." I shot back.

"Your antidote worked." said Snape.

"Yes, but you didn't know that it worked. You could have turned me into a werewolf!" I said. 

He glared daggers at me and said, "Fine. No detention. Now get out of my sight!" and I complied.

I was still shaking in anger as I entered the common room.

"Miley-" started Harry but I stopped him. 

"Not now Harry!" I snapped.

I walked toward Fred and George who were as usual discussing their ordeal with Bagman. "Whoa, you okay?" asked Fred.

"I have a proposition for you guys. I want to make a portion that can transfigure people into animals, then we can blend it into food stuffs. What do you think?" I asked.

"Can you do that? I mean I'm a sixth year and I can't even transfigure a tortoise into a teacup." said George.

"I haven't done it yet, but I'm sure I can try. So are you up for the idea? Because we don't have to buy ingredients, we can steal from Snape's storeroom." I said.

"It won't be permanent right?" asked Fred and I nodded. "Count us in. And leave-" he said,

"-the stealing to us." said George.

After that I raced to my dormitory and found, Lavender, Parvati, Hermione and Ginny talking but they stopped when I entered. My queasy feeling returned fully.

"Miley are you okay?" asked Ginny.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I heard what Snape did and I was worried about you. Are you alright?" she asked

"Do I look alright? Just leave me alone all of you since you have nothing to do but gossip all day." I snapped.

I kept to myself the next two weeks. I concentrated on working on my Potion all day. Harry had told me that Sirius would be at the fire of the common room so it was all that I looked forward to. The feeling of nausea and discomforting queasiness followed me and when they did, I would snap or act out of character. It was unnerving .

Harry's article had been published and Rita Skeeter had insinuated that he still cried for his parents but he was sure they would be proud of him. What made me uncomfortable was the fact that Rita said Hermione was Harry's girlfriend, so I avoided the both of them and since Ginny and I were fighting I spent time with Blaise, Draco, Daphne and sometimes Cedric behind the greenhouses. However most of the time, I was alone.

The day that my dad was supposed to be at the fire, there was a Hogsmead visit.

I didn't go.

Instead I finished up adding the Transfiguring Potion into a box of biscuits. Then when that was done, I stored them in my trunk under the bed.

That's when the queasiness hit me again.

I sat still, hoping it would pass but it didn't. Instead I was pulled into a vision.

I was sitting in the stands with the rest of the school, watching. Harry was flying really fast, facing off the most hideous creature I had ever seen.

A dragon.

I think I screamed. My head was pounding in pain. There was fire everywhere. I couldn't see him any more. I was falling, he was falling. The beast reared. I felt like my head would split in two. He tried to evade it but its tail caught him. The tail that was razor sharp. I couldn't see anything, there was too much pain. I pulled back.

"Miley! Save him!" she said.

"Rhine?" I asked.

"He needs you. Save him. Don't lose hope."

And then I was back to the present. I took my Strengthening potion and tried not to scream. I wanted to talk to someone. Last year, I would have gone to my uncle and I missed him so much.

I walked aimlessly through the walls trying to think, trying not to think.

"Miss Black?" said a deep voice. I willed myself to turn but I felt dizzy. Moody guided me into his office.

"What is it? Did you have another vision?" he asked in concern.

I nodded. "What was it about?"

"All my visions are about Harry." I said and told him the vision.

"Potter was flying huh? Very good idea indeed. And Rhine spoke to you?" Moody asked with interest.

"Yes. Did you know her too?" I asked.

"Yes, we ran in the same circles. I mean, I used to see her in the Ministry." he said and I had a feeling that he was holding something back.

"Now you go and rest Miss Black. I assure you Potter will be fine." said Moody.

I was not easily convinced.

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