The article

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"Camilla, are you listening?" said Blaise snapping me out of my thoughts. We were in March now, and the mark on my left arm was becoming very distinct. It worried me.

"Sorry, what?" I said. He smiled.

"You are so cute when you are absent minded." he grinned and I blushed. Guilt was eating me up on the inside because I had been spending a lot of time with Cedric behind the greenhouses.

"I was saying that I have noticed that whenever you have your mood swings or act out of character, your eyes turn blue. It's kind of eerie." Blaise said seriously. He had been helping me a lot and I had found a lot of interesting information in Rhine's book which I hadn't told him about.

"Really? Cedric mentioned that but- look are you sure?" I asked and he nodded. I sighed. I had to tell him.

"When I was eight years old, I fell seriously ill. My uncle took me to a Seer because he couldn't afford a hospital. The Seer told him that I was possessed by a spirit and he didn't believe her. I've been reading Rhine's book and it's called binding of magic. A dead person can live through another by binding the blood of three people she loves the most and then killing one of them. It is really dark magic but the spirit can possess a person before it comes to life again. The spirit's traits can be visible on the victim." I told him. To his credit, he didn't run away or ditch me or scream.

"So someone did this to you? Then the person had blue eyes and was moody? They also had that mark you have on your arm? Miley how do you dispel it?" I knew that he thought it was serious when he called me Miley. I hesitated.

"Making a blood covenant reduces the emotional toll. I need the blood of two people who care more for me than themselves and one whom I care more about than myself. I bind their blood to mine and make a covenant with one of them." I confessed.

He took this information in stride.

"I'll do it." he said.

"What? No, we'll be bound in life and in death." I protested.

"I will do anything for you." he said pulling me closer to him.


I took Harry and Blaise's vials of blood and poured them into a cauldron. Next, I added Cedric's blood. Finally I added mine and a dry dandelion. The mixture turned silver.

"You don't have to do this." I said. He didn't reply, just took my hand.

"Blood of my blood.

Bound to all eternity.

Neither life nor death can break the bond.

Do you swear to take my pain if I ask you?

Do you swear to be my rock, my pillar forever?

Do you swear to put my life before yours at all times?" I asked.

"I do."

"Muraska! The penalty to breaking your promises is death. The seal is set forever and ever. Muraska!" I said.

A blood red chord appeared binding our hands together, forever.

If only I had known what I was getting myself into.


We arrived just in time for our Potions lesson. I had to sit up front with Snape unfortunately. I worked in silence, wondering if I had done the right thing. I tuned everyone out and only looked up when Snape was reprimanding Harry. It seemed he had been reading a magazine under the table.

"But of course Potter has to keep up with his press cuttings." Snape started to read the article, from Witch Weekly.

"Harry Potter, a boy like no other, yet a boy suffering from the usual pangs of adolescence. Deprived of love at a tender age, Harry Potter thought he had found solace in his steady girlfriend at Hogwarts, Muggle-born Hermione Granger. Little did he know that he would suffer yet another blow in a life already littered with loss.

Miss Granger, a plain young girl seems to have a taste for famous wizards that Harry Potter alone cannot satisfy. Since the arrival at Hogwarts of Viktor Krum, Bulgarian seeker and hero of the last Quidditch World Cup, Miss Granger has been toying with both boys' affection. Krum insists he has never 'felt this way about another girl' and has invited her to stay with him in the summer. However, it may not be her natural charms that have captured these boys.

"She's really ugly." says Pansy Parkinson a vivacious fourth year student "but she'd be well up to making a love Potion, she's quite brainy. Maybe Potter's just stupid as she's not the only one to break his little heart."

It seems Mr Potter turned his eye to none other than notorious mass murderer Sirius Black's daughter, Camilla Black whose eye, unfortunately, is for rich wizards. She dumped Harry Potter for Blaise Zabini, the son of Rolinda Merrow who is one of the richest witches of our time due to the 'unfortunate' death of each of her rich husbands. Miss Black seems to have liked both boys for their thick pockets. In the evenings, however, she sneaks out to be with a less than wealthy Ministry official's son, Cedric Diggory, the other Hogwarts champion, in the hope that he can win the Triwizard Tournament so that she can openly date him for his money.

In the meantime, Harry Potter's well wishers must hope that next time, he bestows his eye upon worthier candidates." Snape finished reading with a smug smile on his.

I was hyperventilating by now. Rita Skeeter was a totally dead woman. Meanwhile I was doomed.

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