Chapter 2

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"Oh man, I'm gonna be sooo sore tomorrow." Bridgette moaned as she flopped at her desk.

"Girl, I bet! I can't believe Ms. Leroux made you run ten laps after practice," said Melodie.

"I was only late 1 MINUTE!" cried Bridgette.

"1 minute can equal 1 hour or 1 day in Ms. Leroux's book," giggled Melodie.

"Not helping." Bridgette pouted as she took out her notebook and pencil. "I blame Felix Agreste."

"How does Felix fit into this? What did he do?" Melodie was surprised to hear his name. The only people she heard complain about Felix Agreste were the boys in school. They were all jealous that Felix was getting all the girl's attention.

"Well, first of all, I couldn't go through the main entrance because of his huge 'fan club'," Bridgette started as she made a face and put up her fingers up as she gestured air quotes around the words. "Today was worse than usual so I had to run around to one of the side doors. I was good to go until I bumped into him and knocked him over by accident because I didn't see him coming."

"Oh my god, no way! You ran over Felix?!" Melodie squealed. What she would pay to see the "Prince" of the school being knocked over.

"It's not funny Mel. He was so rude about it even after I apologized."

"Well to be fair, you did knock him over."

"I said I was sorry!"

"Haha, just be glad his Fan Club didn't see otherwise they'd go nuts and get mad at you for knocking over their precious little Prince."

"When aren't they nuts?" Bridgette giggled as well did Melodie.

"Speak of the devil," Melodie whispered as Felix walked into the classroom. "Hey Prince, did you have a good fall?"

"Melodie! Shh," Bridgette whispered-yelled to Melodie trying to close her mouth.

Felix looked up at both girls, his eyes shifting towards Bridgette. He just sighed and went on his way to his desk.

"I'm gonna kill you Mel," she said as she glared at her best friend.

Mel giggled, "Oh Bri, you love me too much to kill me."

"I was gonna share my cookies with you at lunch, but now I don't think I want to."

"Nooo! If you're gonna do that, you might as well just kill me!" Mel exaggerated but at the time same time, Bri's family's cookies were to die for. "I'm sorryyy Briii!"
Bri giggled. She couldn't stay mad at her forever.


Felix could hear the girls giggling from the other side of the room. *sigh* He already guessed Ms. Cheng told her about their incident this morning.

"Hey Felix, what's up?"

"Hello Claude, good morning to you."

"Do you know what they're talking about?" Claude gestured towards the girls.

"No idea and I'm not interested in knowing."

Claude chuckled. "As always 'Prince.'"

Felix made a quick glare at him until Melodie came up to their table. "Hey Claude, do you have an extra pencil I can borrow? Bri only brought one."

"Sure thing, give me a sec," replied Claude as he searched through his backpack. Luckily for him, he had a spare. "Here ya go."

"Thank you! You're a lifesaver!" Melodie exclaimed as she gave Claude a quick hug and then ran back to her seat.

"N-no problem," Claude nervously said as he blushed.

Felix looked over at his class partner before returning his eyes back to his book.
Not long after, Ms. Bustier walked in. "Good morning everyone!"

"Good morning Ms. Bustier," the whole class chimed.

"Please open up your textbooks to Chapter 6."


"Well said Mr. Agreste," Ms. Bustier said approvingly. "Anyone else would like to share their thoughts?" The whole class fell silent. There's no way any of them could top Felix. *brrriinng!* Oh thank goodness, the lunch bell rang. "Have a good lunch everyone!"

"Where do you wanna sit today Bri? The usual place?"

"Yeah! You grab our lunches from your locker, and I'll go save our table."

"Got it!" Both girls hurried out of the room to beat the crowd of hungry students.

Bri tried to jog but not run because her legs were still tired from dance practice. After her bad luck that morning, luck seems to be on her side now. She managed to snag their favorite table under the big tree in the court yard. It was early October, so it wasn't too hot or too cold to eat outside. The perfect weather in Bridgette's book.

"I got here as fast as I could girl. There was more people in the hallways than usual."

"Really? Even more during lunch?"

"Yeah. I had squeeze my way here and there without ruining our lunches."

"Good job!" Bri giggled at the thought of possibility of Melodie getting upset if her food got ruined. Mel doesn't joke when it comes to food. Bri opened her lunch bag to a sandwich her mother made her. She got more excited at the lemon pudding next to it. "Oh look, my mom packed you a pudding too!"

Melodie got excited, "Really? Ugh, I wish your parents would adopt me. I love their cooking!"

Bridgette giggled at the thought of her and Melodie being sisters. But then she would probably have to share clothes with her, and her room, and maybe everything else. Well, not much would change since her and Mel share almost everything, be it a hairbrush or a skirt. Luckily for both, they wore the same size.

"Oh yeah, were you gonna tryout for any sports Mel?"

"Nah, I rather just stick to dancing. It takes most of my time anyways when I'm not babysitting my younger sister. Are you?"

"True. And no, I rather not risk getting injured in something else, otherwise I wouldn't be able to dance."

"So true. Remember what happened to Kim last year? Poor boy got hurt and couldn't play anything for almost 2 months!"

"I know. It was heartbreaking to see someone who couldn't do what they love."

"Hey girls, mind if I join?" Claude asked, approaching the girls' table.

"Sure!" Melodie said gleefully. "Oh thanks again for letting me borrow your pencil. I'll return it after school."

"No problem."

"So Claude," Bri chimed in. "Do you know why people were crowding the hallways?"

"No clue. The only time I see a crowd are when Felix's Fan Club get together. But he eats lunch off-campus."

"Speak of the devil again." Melodie said as she gestured towards the side of the building.

Felix was walking along the side of the building holding his backpack. And behind him, a couple of girls were stalking him and squealing amongst each other. "I thought he doesn't stay for lunch?" Bri questioned.

"He doesn't," answered Claude. "He looks bothered as always by those girls. Should we invite him over?"

"I don't mind, but I highly doubt he'll accept the invitation. You know the Prince, he likes to be alone."

"I don't know, especially not after what happened this morning," Bri said as she made a sour expression.

Claude looked over at Bridgette. "What happened this morning?"

"Oh my gosh, let me tell you!" Melodie said a little too excitingly.

Bridgette slumped and placed her head on the table.

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