Chapter 9

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Melodie, Claude, and Felix were finishing up their lunch.

"She's taking quite a while, isn't she?" Mel asked looking towards where Bridgette ran off to.

"I guess she is," Claude answered.

"Our lockers weren't that far. She should be back by now."

"Is it taking that long to clean her shirt?" Claude looked over and then down at his legs feeling more upset.

"Maybe? I should probably go check on – oh, there she is!"

Bridgette was walking back towards the table. "I'm back."

"Hey girl. Why the long wait?" Mel questioned.

"Oh, I stopped by the restroom on my way back. There was a line."

"Bridgette, once again, I am so sorry," Claude apologized.

"It's okay. I had a backup tee shirt." She pulled down on her shirt so they could get a better look. "A girl's always gotta be prepared, right?" she chuckled lightly. She sat down to finish what was left of her lunch and remained quiet for the rest of the time. Or at least she tried not to draw attention to herself while Melodie and Claude talked away about some movies they saw. Felix couldn't help but notice the silent girl.


It was the last ten minutes of class.

"To finish off the day, we were told to pass out these notices. Please read and abide by them. We don't want yesterday to repeat." Ms. Bustier passed out the papers to her class. "And remember, your homework that is due tomorrow."

Felix already knew what it was. He felt a hint of relief. The rest of the class started murmuring to each other. The usual code of conduct was typed on the paper with the basic, 'Don't Crowd Into Large Groups,' to 'Please Be Considerate of Other People,' and to 'Please Consider a Person's Personal Space,' and the consequences if they were to break the rules. Felix could only hope every class received these papers.

"Well this is somewhat convenient for you, isn't it Felix?" Claude said to him.

"It helps, yes." Felix started packing up his bag as well did Claude. With a couple of minutes left in class, they had some free time.


"Hey Bri, should we walk with Felix to make sure everything stays okay like yesterday?"

Bridgette tensed up a bit. "I don't know. I think we'll just bother him. Besides, I don't think he needs us to be his bodyguards. Those notices were passed out to the whole school. I don't think they would make the same mistake two days in a row."

"True, but you may never know."

"If you're worried, you can ask him. I'm gonna go to the locker room to grab my things," Bridgette said as she was packing her backpack.

Melodie looked at Bridgette. She wasn't the type to turn down helping someone. "I guess he'll be fine on his own. But just in case, maybe I'll ask Claude. Hold one." Melodie pulled out her phone. Claude sat up in his seat at the feeling of his phone vibrate in his pocket.

Melodie: Hey Claude, do you have time after school today?
Claude: For what? And no, I have Tennis practice after school remember?
Melodie: Yea, but I was wondering if you wouldn't mind walking with the Prince to make sure he leaves okay

Melodie: Ya know, just in case he's caught up in another fight?

Claude: Oh right. Okay, I suppose I could spare a few minutes to do that

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