Chapter 8

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Two hours into class time. *brriinng brriinng brriinng* The classroom's telephone rang. Ms. Bustier went over to pick it up. "Bustier, hello? Yes, he's here. Sure thing. Goodbye." She hung up the phone. "Mr. Agreste, they would like to see you in Mr. Damocles' office."

Everyone turned their heads towards Felix. "Alright." Felix said as he grabbed his things and stood. As he walked out the classroom, several students started whispering and murmuring.

"What did he do?"

"I heard a lot of girls got into trouble over him yesterday."

"It must be about that."

Felix ignored the side comments and kept walking. About 2 minutes later, he reached the principal's office. "You wanted to see me Mr. Damocles?"

"Ah, Mr. Agreste, you're here. Good. I would like to talk to you in the matters that happened yesterday. Please have a seat." Mr. Damocles gestured towards the chair in front of his desk.

"Alright." Felix nodded. He placed his bag down by his feet and sat down.

"First, I would like to hear your side of the story about what happened yesterday. Just so I have more of an understanding of the situation."

"Yes sir. School had just ended, and I was on my way towards my family's town car. I was near the entrance when the female students started becoming aggressive towards each other. Words were said, and then the outbreak began."

"And you didn't happen to say anything to them before the outbreak?"

"No sir. I was only walking."

"I see. It appears a lot of the female students pay special attention to you." Mr. Damocles said as he stroked his beard.

"Actually, I was meaning to speak to someone about that."

"Oh, really? What is it?"
"I was wondering if there was a way to stop the students from gathering around me. As well as in other certain places. Just about every morning, they block the entrance to the school. It is not only a burden to me, but to the other students as well." Felix thought back to Bridgette, and how she also had to take an alternate route. And it's not like he didn't hear all the whispering complaints from the other students either.

"I see. Alright, I'll send out a memo to all the female students that were brought in for questioning. I'll also send out a memo to all the classrooms by the end of the day. Thank you, Felix."

"Thank you sir. Will that be all?"

"Yes. Oh, wait, Ms. Cheng is in your class I believe?"

Felix looked at Mr. Damocles with eyes wider than he usually had them at. He thought to himself, 'What does Ms. Che-I mean Bridgette have to do with this. She didn't do anything.' "Yes, she was in my class today," he answered anyways.

"When you go back to class, could you tell Ms. Bustier to send her in here for me?"

"May I ask why? She didn't have anything to do with the incident."

"I see. I just was told Ms. Cheng was there as well by an anonymous source. We're just questioning everyone that was there. Including students who weren't involved."

"She was there. But she had no connection to the outbreak. Her and Ms. Moreau were walking behind me as we were leaving the school. As well, if anything, she assisted me in escaping the outbreak."

"Really? Well that was nice of her. Is that all?"

"Yes sir."

"Then disregard what I said about calling her here. You may return to class. I'll see to it about the memos and other students. Thank you."

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