Chapter 11

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"Where have you been!? Do you know how worried I was!?"

Felix made it very late to his father's business dinner. Mr. Agreste met him outside and did not look too happy.

"Do you know how many times I had Nathalie call you? What could have possibly been more important for you to not answer your phone or at least give us a call back? We were starting to think you might have been in an accident!" Mr. Agreste's red face matched the anger in his voice.

"I apologize. I take full responsibility. I was helping out someone." Felix didn't exactly want to go into the details.

"By doing what exactly?"

"We were helping them look for someone." He didn't want to mention how he was helping a girl look for her cat. He knew his father would have found it a pointless cause.

"Then why didn't you let them ask the police? I'm sure they would have been more than happy to help."

"I just happen to know the person which was why I did not treat them like a stranger."

"And who were they exactly?"

"One of my classmates. I apologize for not calling. I won't repeat that mistake."

Since Felix was usually always obedient, Mr. Agreste decided to let it go for the night. "Alright then, as long as you understand. You may go home ahead of me tonight. Since the dinner is nearly over, there's no need for you to attend anymore. That is all."

"Yes father." Felix felt a little relief. He walked back to the town car along with Francis. Once they were in the car and on their way, Felix spoke, "I truly apologize Francis. I didn't mean to put us in that situation."

This wasn't how Felix pictured his night would go. Although, he was a little relieved. He didn't have to attend the business dinner. No having to praise his father in front of other people. He didn't have to kiss up to anyone for the night. And he got a break from being reminded of his taking over the family's business in the future for a day.

When they got back to the mansion, Felix went straight to his room. After tonight's events, he felt the need to see his cat. Sure, he just saw him not too long ago, but after imagining if he had lost Plagg like Bridgette lost Tikki, he felt like being reassured that he was alright.

Felix opened his door to find Plagg stretching on his bed. When he closed the door behind him, Plagg looked up. He immediately jumped off the bed and pranced on over to Felix. He stopped at his feet waving his tail. Felix scooped him up in his arms and carried him to his couch. "Hi Plagg, I'm back early." When he sat down, he continued, "Some things happened, one thing lead to another, and now I'm home."

"Mrow." Plagg meowed as he started sniffing Felix's coat.

Felix glanced at his sleeves. Apparently, he failed to get all the white fur off his coat before going to meet his father. Well wasn't he lucky he ended up not going in the end? He thought to himself. "Don't worry, I wasn't holding another cat in case you were getting jealous."

"Mrow," Plagg answered. He looked up at him again. His green eyes meeting his owner's grayish-blue eyes.

"What? Are you mad?" He asked his cat. Of course, he knows he can't talk, but that doesn't mean he can't tell what he's thinking.

Plagg ignored the question and nuzzled his head against Felix's arms. The last few times Felix touched another cat or dog, Plagg would ignore him for about two days. Felix didn't think about it too much. He was just grateful to have him in his arms at all tonight. He understood Bridgette all too well of the feeling of losing your precious companion.

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