Chapter 21

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I am so sorry at how many months went by without me updating. MY life has just been full of ups and downs, month after month. I finally got a better grip at how my life is going. It's nothing serious, it was just an emotional roller coaster. I apologize ahead of time for any grammar errors, I wanted to post ASAP.

P.S. [Spoiler] Who else saw the Ladybug PV cameos in ML Season 3!?!? <3

[After the Halloween dance.]

When Felix got to Adrien's condo, he made sure to take off his mask before going inside. He was enjoying his friends' conversations so much he forgot all about it until he was alone. Adrien wasn't home yet so one of the maids let him inside. Adrien had already texted Felix he'll be coming home soon. The maid handed Felix a set of sleeping clothes for the night and a set of day clothes for the next morning. She asked him if she could fix him anything in the kitchen before Adrien came home. He thought about it for a moment. After all the dancing tonight, he did feel a little hungry. She offered to make some pancakes as a late-night snack. Felix took the offer as he felt his stomach was pretty empty after tonight. He went to the guest bedroom to change while the maid went into the kitchen to get started with the food.


"Tonight was so much fun!" Melodie flopped onto Bridgette's bed. The girls had already changed, taken off their makeup, and washed their faces.

"It really was fun, wasn't it? The boys looked like they had a good time too." Bridgette responded.

"Claude is so wonderful." Melodie sighed happily.

"I've never seen Felix smile so much," Bridgette chuckled.

"Speaking of Felix," Melodie sat up on the bed. "Where did you two disappear to in the middle of the evening?"

Bridgette stopped in her place. Her face heated up a little. "O-oh, we just went outside."


"We talked."


"Well," she paused. "He had asked what's been going on lately, aaand I told him the truth. About the photo and notes."

Melodie's mouth dropped. "And?!"

"He didn't take it so well." Bridgette looked down to the floor.

"Well who would? What did he say?"

"He wanted to go report it but I couldn't let him. He said he had a plan, but he didn't tell me. I trust him to not tell anyone, but I am still embarrassed talking about it with him."

"I guess we'll wait it out a bit longer?" Melodie asked.

"Yeah, I suppose so."

"I still can't believe you told him," Melodie said out loud.

"I know," Bridgette's face heated up a little again. "He's rather easy to talk to. More than I expected actually."

Melodie took a good look at her friend's face, but moved on to another subject.


"Hey Felix, you doing okay?" Adrien asked as he hung his coat on the coat rack.

Felix was sitting in the dining room eating a small stack of pancakes. They were topped with syrup and blueberries.

"I'm alright. How was the rest of my father's show?"

"Fabulous as always," Adrien chuckled. "Wow, those look good." He said as he eyed Felix's pancakes.

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