Chapter 16

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"You're singing at the dance Juleka? That's amazing!" Bridgette gasped.

"I know right!" Rose chimed in. "She has such an amazing voice!"

The girls were sitting together inside during lunch because two out of the five of them felt it to be too chilly to be outside.

Juleka blushed nervously. "Well I'm not singing the entire time. Just a couple of songs."

"Still, I heard there was an audition. Congratulations!" All four girls clapped softly as Jukela blushed some more.

"Kim is making me go with him and Max," Alix huffed.

"You know you don't have to," Melodie pointed out.

"W-well, I don't really mind," she slightly blushed as the others giggled.

"Have people found dates yet?" Melodie asked.

"I think there's only a handful of people who know so far so maybe not. They're announcing it after school today," Juleka added.

"Why? Do you have someone in mind Melodie?" Rose teased.

"I-I don't know," she blushed.

Bridgette looked at her. She was a little confused. After spilling to Melodie about the second note yesterday, and what she was going through, her friend failed to mention anything about a possible crush.

"What about you Bridgette?"

"No, I don't really have anyone in mind. What about you two?"

Rose sat up straighter, "I thought about asking this one boy from the class next door. And Juleka says she'll probably be too busy with singing on stage."

"Yeah, and I'm not really interested in anyone anyways so it's fine," Juleka shrugged, looking away.

The girls wanted to talk about what they would wear until Juleka mentioned there was suppose to be a theme that went along with it. Rose was overly excited, Bridgette and Melodie planned to meet up over the weekend to figure out their outfits together, and Alix and Juleka just prayed it was a scary costume party.

As lunch was nearing its end, the girls took their time getting back to class. They were too engrossed in their conversations and excitement. As they entered the classroom, they walked into Kim teasing Nathaniel about something. Bridgette knew how sensitive Nathaniel could be since she's known him since primary school.

"Kim, are you messing with Nathaniel again?" She asked sternly placing her hands on her hips glaring at him.

"Who, me? Never!" He grinned looking back at Nathaniel.

Ms. Bustier walked in and told everyone to sit. Bridgette walked over to Nathaniel to ask him if he was alright.

"I-I'm fine," he managed to stutter out before walking back to his seat. She returned to her seat as well as Ms. Bustier continued her lessons.

Instead of paying attention, her mind wandered off. She started thinking about Nathaniel and how she hasn't really talked to him very much in the past two years. She remembers him confessing his feelings for her two years ago during middle school, and had turned him down. He was such a sweet and nice boy, but she just didn't feel that way about him. Since then, they rarely talked.

It made her feel awful because they were such good friends before. When she found out they were in the same classes this year, she thought it would be a good chance to become friends again. Sadly, it didn't turn out that way.

Later, as they were switching classrooms, Felix came up to her. However, fear struck in her mind as she panicked and made up an excuse to go to the restroom. Melodie followed her to see if she was alright.

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