Chapter 17

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There was music playing, the lights in the room were dim. There was a spotlight in the middle of the room. Bridgette found herself walking to the center of it. She looked around, trying to recognize faces, but everyone was too busy dancing with their own partners. She looked around the room some more to find someone to dance with. No luck.

"Would you care to dance with me?"

Bridgette whipped her head around to the mystery voice. As much as she tried, she couldn't see his face clearly. All she could make out of her vision was a black suit, a black mask, and a gentle smile.

"Who are you?" She asked the mystery man. He didn't respond. He only held out a hand, implying he wanted to dance with her.

She was a little skeptical, but something about his voice felt soothing. She held out her hand and reached for his. Just as she was about to grab it...

*beep beep beep* Bridgette's eyes shot wide open at her alarm clock going off.

There was a loud groan beside her. "Mmm, Briii. Turn it off!" Melodie complained as she dug her head under her pillow.

Bridgette reached her arm over to turn off her alarm. She let out a grunt as her head landed back onto her pillow. Mondays were never a favorite.

Melodie ended up spending the whole weekend at her place. Fixing up the dresses took a little longer than expected. Now they were hanging up somewhere high in her room where Tikki couldn't reach.

"Come on Mel. We gotta get ready," Bridgette said trying to rub the sand from her eyes.

"Mm, five more minutes," Melodie moaned.

Bridgette let out a sigh and granted her wish. She got out of bed to use the restroom and wash her face. Tikki walked up to her feet and stared up at her owner. Bridgette bent down to pet her head before whispering, "If you can wake up Mel, there's cat nip for you."

Tikki let out a small meow and ran towards Bridgette's bed. She hopped onto the bed and started licking Melodie's face like crazy.

"Oh my gosh, Tikki! I don't know where that tongue's been!" Melodie picked up the white cat and held her away from her face. She glared at Bridgette, "You did this, didn't you?"

"Well good morning to you too sunshine," Bridgette giggled.

Melodie finally got up to get ready. As she was getting dressed, she looked up at the wall where the dresses were hanging. She let out a soft sigh, "I can't wait for Saturday."

As Bridgette was tying her last shoe, she looked up as well. "They turned out nice huh?"

"Yes! I'm so excited!" They finished up getting ready, grabbed their lunches Bridgette's mother made them, plus a few extra pastries for breakfast, and were on their way.


Over the weekend, they talked about the usual. School, classmates, boys, well Melodie mainly talked about one boy in particular. The most Melodie could squeeze out of Bridgette was maybe thinking she thought some guy on the soccer team was cute, and a guy from a different class. No names and no one specific.

Melodie felt like Bridgette's good looks were going to waste. She offered to help set her friend up, but she politely declined. Bridgette told her she'd rather just let fate run its course. What's meant to be will happen at some point in her life.

Bridgette also admitted to her that she's currently afraid to fall for anyone for the time being because of whoever is blackmailing her. She's scared of her love life being ruined before it even starts. Melodie understood where she was coming from, but she just wanted her friend to be happy.

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