Chapter 5

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Bridgette was towel drying her hair when Melodie texted her.

Mel Mel: Heyyy, I finally put Manon to sleep! Lil girl is gonna be the death of me!!

Mel Mel: Anyways, what did you get for question 4???

"Wow, she's only on number 4?" Bridgette said to no one in particular. "Then again, I wouldn't be able to get much done if I was babysitting either. Maybe I should have helped her."

Briii: Don't die on me! I can't live without you!! lol

Briii: Hold on

Bridgette pulled out her notebook. She continued texting Melodie answers here and there to their homework.

Mel Mel: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Luv you!! <3

Mel Mel: Gonna turn in for the night! Gn!

Bri smiled at her phone. Before she went to bed, she figured she should do her nightly stretches. It's tough to maintain one's flexibility. "And a one, and a two."

"Mew." Tikki waddled over. As Bridgette bent over on the floor to touch her toes, Tikki hopped onto her back.

"Tikki! I'm stretching! Go lay down in your bed."

Instead of doing as she was told, Tikki started doing her own stretches on her back.

"Oh Ha Ha. Very funny." Bridgette sat up and Tikki jumped off. Tikki came back over and nudged her head against Bri's side. Prrrr "Well aren't you sweet. I still haven't forgiven you for this morning you know."


"Okayyy. Apology accepted. For now." Bridgette kissed the top of her head and got ready for bed.


"Plagg, did you hide my slipper again?"


"I know you can understand me."

Plagg stuck out his tongue and scampered away to Felix's bed. "You know, maybe I'll tell the chefs no camembert for you tomorrow."

"Mrow!" Plagg mewed in complaint. Like how dare he threaten him with his favorite snack.

Felix sighed as he sat next to his cat. "You know, I've bought you several toys already. Why do you still steal my stuff?"

Plagg opened one eye, yawned, and then returned to snoozing. Felix placed a hand on Plagg's head and gave his ear a little scratch. He thought back to what had happened earlier at school that day. Everything happened so fast. His parents put him in some self-defense classes when he was younger, but he never thought the possibility of having to fight off girls from school. Should he say something to the teachers? The Principal maybe? Yeah, maybe he'll do that tomorrow.

*knock knock* "Felix? May I come in?"

"Yes father."

Mr. Agreste opened the door. "I heard from Francis there was an incident this afternoon. Is everything alright?"

"Yes father. Everything is fine. Some quarrels happened here and there but nothing too serious." He hoped. He hadn't really seen what happened afterwards.

"Do I need to talk to the school's faculty?"

"No. I already decided to take care of it tomorrow."

"Alright then. Have a good night."

"Thank you father. Goodnight."

Mr. Agreste closed the door behind him as he left. Felix flopped backwards onto his bed, disturbing Plagg making his cat sit up. "Sorry about that Plagg." Plagg just looked at him and waved his tail. Felix stared at Plagg and imagined if being a cat would make life easier to deal with.



Felix slowly opened his eyes before slamming his alarm clock off. Usually, he has a neutral opinion about going to school, but after yesterday, he dreaded thinking about going today. Being the 'perfect son' that he is, he decided it was best to get it over with. He went through his usual routine of brushing his teeth, combing his hair, and putting on a similar outfit each day. Black pants, a gray, buttoned long-sleeve, a black vest, and a black tie. Every now and then, he wondered if he should wear normal everyday clothes. But knowing his father and his father's image, it was best if he looked presentable to his name.


"Good morning Plagg. Did you sleep well last night?" Plagg just sat and stared at him. Felix debated on whether giving his cat a heads up on the fact that a maid will be by later to give him a bath. He decided against it knowing his cat will just leave and hide.

Felix finished getting ready and headed downstairs for breakfast. Plagg followed.


"Well you're up earlier than usual sweetie."
"Well, I didn't want to be late again, so I figured I would get up at a reasonable time today." Bridgette said before she took a bite out of her breakfast parfait. She also didn't wanna run into Felix the way she did yesterday. But she was gonna keep that to herself.

"Oh, before you forget, here's your lunch. And I put in a few extra puddings for your friend. Claude, was it?"

"Yes maman, thank you!" Bridgette said gleefully as she took her lunch bag.

"Wanna tell me a little more about this Claude boy?" Bri's mother asked curiously with a sly smile on her face.

"He's just a classmate maman." Bri said a little defensively.

"Mhm." Sabine murmured with a smirk.

Bridgette took a quick peak in her lunch bag. She counted four puddings. Bri fibbed a little saying the fourth one was for Melodie as well. She didn't feel the need to mention the other boy's name that it was for to her nosey mother. After yesterday's incidents, yes, incidents as in plural, as in more than one thing happened at school the day before. Bridgette figured it wouldn't hurt to ask Felix to sit with them at lunch today. He's always alone. Even if it was by choice. Well, IF he stayed for lunch today that is. She doubts he wants to stay at school all day considering his fan club.

Bridgette finished her breakfast, grabbed her things, and began on her way. "Okay, I'm going to school now maman!"

"Have a nice day sweetie!"

Bridgette left her home and started walking to school. Luckily for her, school was about a ten-minute walk from where she lived. It looked like a nice day out today.

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