Chapter 13

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"Here is your schedule for today Felix."

"Thank you Nathalie." Felix took the piece of paper from her hands. After school, he was to go straight home for his Mandarin lessons. As well, he was to have dinner by himself. Again. He noticed there was nothing listed for lunch. That meant he could stay at school or go home.

Yesterday, Mr. Agreste had Felix go home for lunch to discuss with him again about his actions over the weekend. Somewhere deep inside his chest, he felt a little bummed when he had to go home. He wasn't sure about what though.

Either way, Felix was starting to think spending time at school wasn't so bad. He wasn't being crowded anymore. Some girls still stalked him, but not as much as before. He still got the occasional love letters from them every now and then. One girl even had the nerve to ask him out on a date. Aurore Beauréal if he remembered correctly? The answer was no of course. He had no interest in her, or dating for that matter.


Nathalie stopped in her place and turned back around. "Yes?"

"Do you think my father would be opposed to the idea of me getting more involved with the school?" He had debated on asking this question for a while now.

She blinked at him in confusion. "Involved how?"

"If I were to join an extracurricular activity or sport?"

Nathalie stood silent. She didn't really have an answer. "I'm not sure. Would you like me to ask?"

"No, it's fine. Don't worry about it." He decided to drop it.

"Alright. Be careful on your way to school," she finished as she walked away.

Why did he go and ask? He wondered to himself. Maybe he was letting Claude influence him a little too much. Well, it's not like he can just stop being friends with him now. In fact, he has already gotten so use to him and appreciated his company. He would even go as far as calling him a friend.

Wait. Friend? Felix raised a hand to rub his forehead. Do I really see him as a friend? He thought to himself. He let out a sigh. This was a first for him. He never bothered making friends because he thought they were pointless. All he's ever known were the words 'associates' and 'business partners.'

Felix gathered his things and started walking towards his town car. Francis was waiting in the driver's seat as usual. Once he got settled in, they were on their way. He stared out the window and hoped it would be a normal day.

When he arrived at the school, he thanked his driver and continued his way to go inside. As he stepped out the car, Melodie arrived at the same time. Before he could say his greetings, she started off with –

"What's up Prince?" She grinned.

Felix paused. He furrowed his eyebrows, "Ms. Moreau, would you please not call me that? I don't know how many times I've already asked you."

"It's Melodie, not 'Ms. Moreau,' thank you very much. You call the other two by their first names anyways."

Felix assumed she was talking about Claude and Bridgette. He let out a heavy sigh, "Alright, Melodie, would you please refrain from calling me that?"

"Mmm, I'll think about it. It's got a nice ring to it," she chuckled.

He let out another sigh and continued walking. Melodie hummed as she started walking alongside him. Other than her humming, it was awkwardly silent between them. Claude and Bridgette were usually with them to fill in the silence. Felix wasn't exactly the social butterfly.

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