What He Does When He's Mad

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I hate homework, but I really need to do mine... gah.

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Skylar xx

Luke: He pouts, with his eyebrows furrowed together, and arms crossed over his chest. Making sure to add little huffs here and there to show you he's mad still, but he usually tends to drops the act soon after you begin cooing over how 'adorable' he is.

Calum: He'll talk to anyone but you. Making sure his voice is extra louder as well, just to ensure you'll hear him talking, but don't worry he usually can't ignore you forever, considering the fact he'll eventually need you for something.

Ashton: He'll do the complete opposite of what you ask him.

You could simply ask him "Ashton, put my shoes by the door, please" in the nicest way possible and he'll take.. let's just say he'll take your jacket and lay it next to the door, just to annoy you, and he'll keep it up to, until eventually you apologize to him.

Michael: If there is anything you hate the most, it's annoying sounds and Michael knows it. So just to make sure he gets on your nerves he'll do as many as he can think of. Clicking his tongue, tapping on the table, and even scratching at the door to the room that you're in, keeping it up until you either scream at him to stop or you simply apologize for what you did.

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