Disney Couple

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Michael: Belle andtheBeast (Beauty & theBeast)

He's seen as an outcast, with his frequently died hair and 'punk rock' band. While you're the quiet beauty, with a personality as soft as cotton. But with looks and stereotypes aside it's obvious the two of you love one another dearly; making you two the perfect fit for the iconic Disney couple.

Ashton: Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl (TheIncredibles)

You both are into your own things and have a more sarcastic way of dealing with them, but it's also obvious how much adoration the two of you have for one another. Lovey looks and passionate kisses are the main reason it can be said your relationship is quite an incredibleone.

Luke: Tarzan and Jane

Like the boy raised by apes and his fair maiden you could say for both you and Luke that it was definitely love at first sight. And now, after being together so long you're the best of friends in terms, loving every moment spent with the other. Also, teaching the another a new thing or two on the way.

Calum: David and Nani (Lilo & Stitch)

You're loud and quirky while he's laid-back and more so go when the flow, but besides the key differences in personality you're both a fun, loving couple; happy to spend time with one another whenever you can. He'd do anything for you and you'd do anything for him making you both, basically, made for the other.

Well, I'mback! Did you miss me?

Oh, and also, thankyoutoallofyoursweetmessagesonmylastA/ntheymademesmileathowmanyofyouunderstood. (:

Skylar xx

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