Image for Haley

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Blood. Crimson red. Leaks from your wrist as you sob uncontrollably, "What had you done to deserve such horrible treatment from people who know so little about you?"

Sniffling you press a towel to your wounds in hope of ceasing the blood seeping from them.

But they don't stop.

Hands shaky you press harder fighting the sob that has crept up your throat. Keep your calm... Keep your calm Haley... you tell yourself lifting the towel to check if it now has stopped but, it hasn't.

With legs seemingly made of jelly you edge towards the bathroom door black dots swimming in your vision.

The last thing you recall is shouting for Ashton before blacking out.


Beep.. beep.. beep

The steady sounds of your heart monitor is the first thing you hear as you slowly open your eyes.

"Haley?" The tear stained face of Ashton asks as you turn to him.

"Yeah..." you croak.

"I love you."

And at that moment you knew you'd get through this... with him.




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