You Defend Another Boy Against Twitter Hate

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Ashton:  You defend Michael.

I_suck_dick: @Michael5SOS  you're ugly and irrelevant. Tell me again why your in this band?

Yt/n: @I_suck_dick because he's talented and has some sexy ass hair.  Now go get a life.

Calum: You defend Luke.

tickdick: @Luke5SOS learn to sing you pansy. I have heard cats sing better than you.

Yt/n: @tickdick I think you may want to get the whole "hearing a cat sing" thing checked out there bud. That doesn't seem normal.

Michael: You defend Calum.

lonelyvirgin: @Calum5SOS you're ugly and I hate you.

Yt/n: @lonelyvirgin you're rude and I can ensure not only me, but all of @Calum5SOS s' fans, hate you. Goodbye.

Luke: You defend Ashton.

I_eat_dog_shit: @Ashton5SOS you're a worthless piece of shit. Kinda wish you would die #whoops

Yt/n: @I_eat_dog_shit what would even make you think that was okay? Kinda wish you could pull your head out of your ass and educate yourself #whoops


Yesterday at dinner my older brother and I were talking about some History assignment I had and my little brother interrupted me midsentence to say: "I hate History."

So I, of course, being the complete History nerd I am was all like: "How???"

And the kid legit goes: "because I tend not to care about anything b.c. or in better words, before Chadwick (Tis his name)."

Do you see what I have to deal with?

Skylar xx

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