His Favorite Thing About You

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Massive update today!

Just warning you!

Skylar xx


He loves your laugh. No matter how ridiculous you find it, how embarrassing you find it, how loud you find it or how much you dislike the noise that comes from yours truly, he can’t get enough of it. He thinks it lights up your whole presence and whenever he gets the chance, he’ll do whatever he can to make you laugh.


He loves your eyes. You’ll always catch him staring directly at you and you’ll tease him for being creepy but he’ll just shake his head and laugh, continuing to admire your eyes. He loves the colour, the shape, the way they make you so beautiful that he just can’t describe it.


Your cuddles. He loves the fact that he’s quite taller than you so he can rest his chin or head on your head and wrap his arms protectively around your frame as yours go around his waist, squeezing him slightly. He especially loves it when you nuzzle your face in the crook of his neck or chest.


How animated you get when you talk. Michael could sit for hours on end and just listen to you tell him stories about your life because he loves the fact that you get so into it. Whatever it is you’re saying, whether it’s about something as big as travelling or something like grocery shopping, he loves it how you make it seem so interesting and how sometimes you’ll dramatically pause for effect or give him cheeky looks as if to say ‘this is your cue to say oh or ah’

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