What He Gets You For Christmas

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Michael: A photo album containing every picture you two have ever taken together.

Ashton: Two tickets to the Bahamas. He and you both needed a change of secenery to be honest.

Calum: A full day shopping spree at the mall. He has zero idea on what to actually get you.

Luke: An engagement ring. *whisper voice* He went to Jared.

So, like I said, I'm doing all of my answers on this update! (Pray for my fingers because this will be a lot of typing)

- Fave member of 5SOS?

Well, I say Michael, but in reality I'm a indecisive whöre. Like I'll be all: "omg, Ashton's such a sweetheart! Then holy shit Calum, but whoa, yassss Luke, work. Then Michael exist and like dayum."

- Fave member of 1D?

Harry, because I personally adore his style and he is; of course, very kind and sweet.

- Fave Song?

I Miss You by Blink182

- How much merch do you own?

Uh, some tees, quite a few CD's, and 1D's book.

- Do you think fan girls should get a punk tick on Twitter, like being a 'certified' fan girl?

Hell yeah, that'd be sick.

- How old are you?

15 and forever stuck at 5'2"

- First concert?

Sugarland. It was for my birthday.

- Have you been to a 5SOS concert?

No :( but I am trying to sweet talk my mom into tickets for the 2015 tour though lol.

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