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Spencer Willow

My alarm wakes me up the next morning at 6am, and I reluctantly lean over switch it off, before sitting up in bed, knowing that if I remain lying down I'll fall straight back asleep. I hear a light tap on the door, which definitely does not belong to either of my parents.

"Yes?" I ask, and the door opens slightly to reveal the maid my mum hires. My mum hires a new maid every few days, because as soon as they make one slip up, she fires them. I don't really use them, unless my mum has told them to do something for me, then I can't really stop them. I just don't really see the point of having a maid if everyone in the house is fit and healthy enough to do the jobs ourselves.

"Mrs Willow sent me to give you your coffee," the maid, I think her name is Eve, or maybe that was the last maid, said.

"Thank you," I reply, taking the hot coffee from her hands. She smiles, before leaving silently, closing the door softly behind her.

While my coffee is cooling, I have a quick shower, before getting dressed into my school uniform. The school uniform is basically black tights, either a knee-high black skater skirt or a knee-high black tight skirt, a while shirt, with a long black tie and a black blazer. But people don't usually follow the rules. For example, the skirts are short - being above mid-thigh, some wear suspenders tights when you're supposed to just wear full length tights, some people either don't wear the tie or wear it short, and the blazer is usually replaced with another jumper or just ditched completely.

I put on my uniform, where I've chosen the full length tights, a short skater skirt, a white shirt tucked in, a short black tie and light black blazer, which doesn't have the shoulder pads or pockets, just a plain blazer.

I drink my coffee after that, before brushing my teeth. Once I've brushed my teeth I brush my long honey blonde hair which falls in loose ringlets down my back. Then I sit down in front of my mirror and start to do my makeup. Since I was lucky to have clear skin, I can get away with not wearing much foundation and concealer, so I lightly put some on, before putting on some gold eyeshadow and red lipstick.

I then head downstairs, grabbing my bag on the way out. I don't bother saying goodbye to my parents, I walk straight out the door where I see my best friend, India, parked outside in her red car.

"Hey, long time no see," India grins, as I sit down in the passenger seat.

"Yeah, unless you count the amount of times I have said I've been with you to my mother," I reply, and India laughs, running her fingers through her long brown hair.

"Well, now you don't have to lie because I'm back," India smiles, as she pulls out my stone driveway and out the tall gate onto the road.

"How was Spain?" I ask her, since she spent all of summer in Spain. All six weeks of it.

"Hot, I should've donated my sweat to somewhere with no water, I was sweating more than what's in the Pacific Ocean, trust me," India jokes, and I roll my eyes, smiling.

"I'm sure they'd love to drink your sweat, it probably smells and tastes like Gucci perfume," I laugh, and India grins, turning up the radio as a song she likes comes on.

"No, trust me, it smells disgusting. I had about three showers every day, sometimes four," India replies, as we get nearer the school.

"Charming," I joke sarcastically.

"Anyway, we're picking Rihanna and Joe up on the way," India informs me, as we turn onto the road Rihanna lives on. We see her stood outside her house waiting, and she grins when she sees us, as India pulls up outside the house, nearly running Rihanna over in the process.

"You nearly killed me," Rihanna says, jumping into the car.

"No, the worst I would've done is given you concussion," India replies, rolling her eyes at her exaggeration.

"How the hell did you pass your driving test?" Rihanna mutters, before India pulls away from the house, stalling the car in the process.

"For goodness sake," I laugh, as Rihanna finally pulls away from the house, and heads towards Joe's house, only a few streets across. Luckily, she manages to collect Joe with no issue, and he gets in the back next to Rihanna, kissing Rihanna quickly in the process.

"Hey gorgeous," Joe grins at Rihanna, and Rihanna is about to reply when India starts to pretend she is being sick. I hit her with the back of my hand playfully on the shoulder, and India looks offended. I roll my eyes, before we drive to school.

And that's where it goes wrong. We all sit in the car, holding on for dear life, as India starts to reverse into a parking space. It's all going fine, until we hear the dreaded sound of a crash. India breaks immediately, cursing under her breath, before we hear someone else curse, just not under their breath. I assume it belongs to the owner of the black Mercedes behind us, which India has just reversed into. India quickly gets out the car and freezes when she sees the owner of the car behind. It's Zach Woods, the most popular guy in school.

Zach is tall, tanned, and drop dead gorgeous. He has dark brown hair, and sea green eyes. He has a way of freezing every girl in the school. Except me, because he's the Woods' son, the family my family can't stand.

"Oh, uh, I'm so sorry," India apologies, and Zach just reluctantly sighs.

"Don't worry about it," Zach sighs, knowing that India would never be able to pay for the repairs.

"I just ruined your car," India says, looking shocked at herself. Rihanna, Joe, and I? Not shocked at all.

"It's fine, I can get it fixed," Zach replies, and India just frowns, but Zach just throws her his charming smile, and she cheers up just at the sight.

"It's fine, really," Zach says, before he walks away, leaving India in a daze.

"His car may be fixable, but I'm not sure yours is," I say, looking at the massive dent in the back of the car.

"My parents are going to murder me," India says, looking like she's about to cry.

"Look, give me your keys," I sigh, and India looks at me, as a tear rolls down her cheek.

"What?" India asks, confused.

"My brother knows someone who can fix it, I'll sort it," I say, deciding that this is more important than attending my mum's stupid party.

"Thank you," India says, relieved, handing me her keys. I smile, before we head into school, just as the bell rings.

"See you later," I smile, before we all head off to our separate lessons.


Thank you for reading the second chapter, I hope you like it so far! Please come your opinions in the comments, and give me some feedback, I would really appreciate it x

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