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Spencer Willow

I wake up early on Sunday morning with a phone call from India. I groan, reaching over and answering the phone.

"What do you want?" I ask, annoyed at being woken up so early.

"Do you want to come shopping with me and Rihanna?" India asks. Honestly, not really, but I feel rude for saying no.

"Yeah sure, pick me up in an hour," I reply, before hanging up. I quickly have a shower and tie my hair up in a messy ponytail, before changing into some black ripped jeans and a red plaid shirt. I don't bother with any makeup, and head downstairs to see Connor sat in the living room playing video games with Jack.

"Hey," Connor says, looking up briefly from his game, before returning to the game.

"Hey, I'm going out. I'll see you later," I reply, before leaving the house.

I wait outside for a few minutes, before India pulls up, and I stand back so she doesn't run me over. India grins, as I sit down in the passenger seat.

"Hey, you excited?" India asks, and I roll my eyes.

"What do you think?" I answer, and India laughs, almost wickedly.

"I think that you should be happier about spending the day with your two best friends," India replies, as we pick up Rihanna.

"My parents are separating," Rihanna says as soon as she sits down. Rihanna is very honest, she doesn't lie or beat around the busy, she is blunt and straight to the point. And this is one of the moments.

"Aw no, I'm so sorry," I apologise, and Rihanna sighs, looking upset.

"I mean, I saw it coming. They've been arguing for months, I was the only thing keeping them together. But then last night I suddenly wasn't worth fighting for, I wasn't strong enough to keep them together," Rihanna admits quietly, and I look at her in the mirror.

"This isn't your fault, Rihanna. People just fall out of love sometimes. People change, and sometimes this changes other things, but the thing that changed that split them apart, that wasn't you. You're worth fighting for, you're the strongest and most amazing girl I know, you deserve everything, this isn't your fault," I reply, honestly. Rihanna smiles softly, looking a tiny bit happier.

"Thank you," Rihanna says, smiling a bit.

"Have you told Joe?" India asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I called him on FaceTime when it happened," Rihanna replies, and India frowns.

"You should've called me," India says, and I almost groan, resting my forehead against the car window, expecting another argument to begin.

"I was going to, after I phoned Joe. I fell asleep," Rihanna explains, not knowing at all what India means.

"I mean you should've phoned me first, I'm your best friend, Rihanna," India says, quietly. India is a jealous person, and she's always been slightly jealous of Rihanna, especially when it comes to her relationship with Joe. I remember India coming round my house once and telling me that she was going to ask Joe on a date, but then Rihanna turned up in the most cheerful mood I've ever seen her in, saying that she was dating Joe. I watched as India's expression fell, and she was jealous.

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