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Spencer Willow

It's the next day when I'm working again. My friends are sat at one table, Zach and Cheryl are sat at another table, and my boss is also working alongside me. Jack is also here sat at the counter with me, which is why India keeps turning to me and raising her eyebrows, thinking that Jack is the 'mystery boy' as she calls the person who I was with in her car.

"Why does your friend keep looking at us?" Jack asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Oh, she heard I was with a boy the other night. I was with Zach but I didn't tell her who so she's trying to work out who it was, just ignore her," I reply, rolling my eyes. Jack laughs, before I walk over to my friends.

"It isn't him, get over it," I say, and India rolls her eyes, before looking at something behind me. Before I can turn around, someone puts their hands over my eyes.

"Guess who," I hear a man whisper, his breath lightly brushing against my ear. I immediately recognise the voice and I immediately turn around and jump into his arms. He catches me, my legs wrapping around his chest.

"I've missed you so fucking much!" I laugh in shock, tears starting to roll down my cheeks. Everyone is watching, but I ignore them, because my brother is back. He's back after two years of me not seeing him. And I've missed him. So much.

"I've missed you too," Connor chuckles, trying to put me back on the floor, but I don't want to let go. I never want to let go. He's still wearing his army clothes, and everyone around us who doesn't know us is wondering who he is to me, whether he's my boyfriend, brother, or friend. But I don't care.

He does have to put me down eventually, and I frown when I see his leg.

"What happened? Sorry for jumping on you, did it hurt? What happened? Are you okay?" I ask, worriedly. Connor smiles, assuring me that he's fine.

"I'm fine, it didn't hurt when you jumped on me, don't worry. I got shot, in the stomach, on my thigh, and on the back of my neck. I'm lucky to be alive. When I got shot I fell over and broke my leg," Connor informs me, and I frown, concerned.

"I'm so sorry," I say, and Connor smiles.

"I've told you, I'm fine. I'm just glad I get to see you," Connor grins, and I smile.

"How long?" I question, and Connor smiles. Connor has the same blonde hair as me, but his eyes are blue, not green.

"That's the best part. I'm owed time off because I stayed for longer. Because I'm hurt, I have to be in perfect condition when I go back, so it may be quite a few months, maybe longer," Connor grins, and I can't grin back. When I last say him, he stayed for two weeks, and those two weeks went so quickly. These months will too, but at least I get to see him.

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