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Zach Woods

I wake up the next morning, before Spencer, who is lying next to me. I've somehow moved onto her side of the bed during the night, my arm across her waist, with her fingers interlocked with mine. She fell asleep last night watching the film, so I was hoping that she wouldn't mind me sleeping next to her. Now, her back is pressed against my shirtless chest, her hair messy down her back, in natural waves.

Yesterday didn't exactly go to plan. I didn't mean to get annoyed with her, but I wanted her to speak to me. I guess I didn't really get an answer, I didn't give her much of a chance. But maybe if she actually spoke to me about it, then I wouldn't have kissed her. But I wanted to kiss her, I just wouldn't have chosen that moment. We would've been somewhere nice, like on the beach, or in a nice cafe somewhere, not in an old hotel room. We didn't really talk much, I think Spencer was too tired, she'd had quite a long day. I, however, wanted to talk, but couldn't bring myself to do it.

It's weird, I've never really cared for a girl, but somehow I find myself trying to prove myself to Spencer, and I don't know why. I feel like she's changed me, I can't remember the last girl I hooked up with, which used to happen quite a lot. Spencer was always different, she wasn't all over me like most of the girls at school. She wouldn't be my usual type, because usually going for the girls who would try anything to get my attention is easier than actually putting effort into it. But in another way, Spencer is exactly my type.

She's my type if you look at her appearance, she's tall with blonde hair, but I like how she isn't throwing herself at me, I like how she is her own person, she's confident and clever, she's funny and interesting, she somehow manages to get everyone to like her, even though hardly anyone knows who she really is.

I'd like to know what is going on in her mind, her thoughts, everything. She hasn't really shown me that she has any interest in me really, we didn't really talk. I think she does, but maybe that's what my mind wants me to think so it can screw me over again.

I'm about to try and go back to sleep when Spencer's phone starts ringing, so I quickly cover the speaker in an attempt to stop Spencer from waking up. I pick up the phone and see that it's her mum. I look at the phone a few seconds, before deciding to pick it up.

"Spencer?" Spencer's mother, Emily Willow, asks. She sounds confused at the answer, so I assume that Spencer hasn't answered the phone to her mum recently.

"No.'s Zach. Zach Woods," I clarify, and Emily sighs.

"Why are you answering my daughter's phone?" Emily asks, sounding rather unhappy. I think Spencer's parents scare me the most. Usually for boys it's because they want their approval, however I already know that I don't have their approval. So trying to get them to like me, well, that would be pretty impossible.

"I visited her to check if she was alright. You know, with Connor being gone," I reply, and Emily sighs.

"Just tell her that I'm picking her up in half an hour," Emily says, before hanging up. I frown, placing the phone on the table, just as Spencer starts waking up.

"Who was it?" Spencer mumbles, not turning to face me. Her voice is soft, and it sends tingles down my spine. I'm turning soft, I swear.

"Your mum, she's picking you up in half an hour," I inform her, tightening my arm around her waist, pulling her closer towards me.

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