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(sexual content)


Spencer Willow

The next few months seem to fly, and then suddenly it's the day of the musical. Over the past few months, I've spent all my free time rehearsing, and it's been stressful. But we're finally here, the day it all ends.

I'm currently sat in a dressing room round the back of the theatre, where my hair is being done neatly, while someone else is doing my makeup. At the moment, there are some people on the stage singing or dancing as entertainment, so people have something to do while we're waiting.

I nervously tap my knee, watching myself in the mirror, as more makeup is being wiped onto my face. I see Zach walk in the door and he grins when he sees me, just as they finish my hair.

"Nervous?" Zach asks, raising an eyebrow.

"You have no idea," I reply, and Zach smiles, standing behind me and placing his hands on my shoulders.

"You have no reason to be, you'll be brilliant," Zach smiles, kissing the top of my head. We've been together for basically half a year now, and it's been the best half a year of my life.

"Okay," I exhale slowly, before smiling.

"You need to be ready now," Charlie says, now very pregnant. The baby is due any time now, and she looks like she is about to pop. She looks stressed, trying to organise everyone. I roll my eyes, standing up.

"Showtime," I grin, before heading to the side of the stage, ready to go on. When I have to go on, I walk over go where I'm supposed to be, and take the opportunity to scan the theatre. Every seat has someone sat in it, and I see where my mum is sat, right at the front next to Zach's family. To my mum's right is my dad and his girlfriend, then Charlie is sat with Connor next to her. Connor never told me he was back, and I smile slightly, trying not to fall out of character at the sight of him.

The first half goes amazingly, with everyone remembering their lines, and somehow Zach and I manage to get through all our dance routines. The planetarium scene was the scene before the interval, which was probably the most difficult dance for us in the musical.

"It's actually going good," I say, shocked. Zach laughs at my expression, leaning forward and pressing his lips against mine.

"Yes, you're right, it is going good. But that'll end if you don't get ready for the next half," Charlie says, entering the room. I smile, stepping back from Zach and getting ready for the next half.

The next half goes just as well, and then we get to the last scene, where my eyes are watering slightly, as Zach looks up at me from where he is sat behind the piano. I smile softly, and he smiles back, before it ends, and it's over. The musical we've all spent so long working for is done.

The curtain drops, and I leave the stage, Zach following closely behind me. He spins me round and smiles into the back of my neck.

"We did it, Spencer," Zach smiles, breathlessly.

"Yes, and we're supposed to be going in a minute to bow so don't ruin my makeup," I laugh, and Zach grins, as everyone starts to line up on the stage for the final bow. Zach and I are last, and when it comes to us everyone in the theatre stands up and cheers. Everyone looks like they enjoyed it, and some people have tears in their eyes, probably because of the ending. Zach and I smile brightly, taking our individual bows, before taking the hands of the two lines next to us and everyone takes a bow, all with bright, smiling faces. Everyone cheers and claps, and I laugh slightly, glancing at Zach's grinning face beside me.

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