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Spencer Willow

"What are you doing here?" I sigh. School has finished and I'm at work, a local diner. And sat at the counter opposite me is India, Rihanna and Joe.

"We just want to know who the boy was? We tell you everything, it's only fair," Rihanna tries to persuade me to speak up, but I roll my eyes, continuing to make the drinks for the customers I'm currently serving.

"Two coffees and a cappuccino," I say, after walking to the table who ordered it. They smile gratefully, before I return back to behind the counter, where my friends continue to give me the third degree.

"Look, it was seriously nothing. I was just dropping him somewhere," I reply, rolling my eyes, refilling their drinks.

"If it's nothing, why won't you say anything?" Joe asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Because there's nothing to say!" I reply, frustrated.

"Fine, I'll just go round the school smelling everyone to find out who it was," India shrugs, and I roll my eyes, not putting it past her.

"Sure, you do that," I reply, feeling glad that India's mother didn't tell her who it was. If she did, India would go mental. I hear a loud noise enter the diner, and I see Zach walk in with his friends, Nathan Thomas, Caleb Richards, Alec Ford, Cole Hastings, and his girlfriend, Cheryl Ford, who was also Alec's twin sister. They all sit down around one of the larger tables by the window.

"I can't just go around smelling everyone, look, just tell us," India pleads, and I roll my eyes, shaking my head.

"Nothing happened. I dropped him there, that was it. Just leave it alone, seriously, I'm done," I reply, and Rihanna watches me for a few seconds in confusion, before her jaw drops.

"Did you have sex with him?" Rihanna asks, way too loudly. A few look around and I groan.

"No, I told you, it was nobody, it was nothing, we did nothing, leave it alone," I reply, annoyed. I grab my notebook and head over to the table, to take their order.

"Have you decided what you want to order?" I ask them, and their conversations go silent and they look up. I feel slightly awkward, tapping my nails against my notepad.

"Yeah, we'll all just have a chocolate milkshake apart from Zach, who wants a coffee, and can everyone have a burger apart from Cheryl who wants a veggie burger?" Nathan orders for everyone, and I nod, writing it down.

"Okay, thanks. Should I take your menus?" I ask, and Zach collects up the menus and passes them to me, and I smile gratefully, before walking away, placing the menus on the shelf, before giving the food orders to the cook and making their drinks.

"Are you done giving me the third degree?" I ask my friends, who are still sat at the counter.

"Fine, we'll find out by ourselves," Rihanna grins, as I make the drinks.

"Good luck with that," I mumble, before placing the drinks on a black circular tray and carrying them over to their table.

"Five chocolate milkshakes and one coffee," I say, playing each of their drinks in front of them.

"Thank you," Cheryl says, with her sickly sweet smile which I know all too week. Cheryl and I have history, and it isn't a good history. I just smile politely back, before walking back over to the counter.

"I've got to go anyway, so I'll see you later," India says, giving me a quick hug before rushing out the cafe. I watch her leave, before turning to Rihanna and Joe.

"We should go too, we have to go to do some work," Rihanna says, and I sigh.

"Okay, see you soon," I say, before they too, leave the diner. I sit down behind the counter and start to do some of my homework, since the diner is empty apart from Zach and his friends.

"Hard at work, I see," I hear Zach say, making me jump. Zach laughs at me, and I roll my eyes, closing my book.

"What do you want?" I ask, sighing.

"Another coffee would be nice," Zach says, sitting down.

"Okay," I say, making his coffee quickly.

"So, Cheryl Ford, why don't you like her?" Zach asks, curiously.

"What do you mean?" I ask, pouring his coffee in the cup.

"Cheryl, you two seemed...odd," Zach comments, and I shrug.

"I don't know what you mean," I reply, handing him his coffee.

"Okay," Zach replies, shrugging off the curiosity and taking his coffee back to his table. I sigh, as their burgers are done. I balance half of them on my arms and place them on the table, before taking the other half and giving them to them. A few mumble thanks, before I head back to my work.

Eventually, they leave, and it's time to close up the diner. I turn over the sign and turn off the lights, before locking the doors up and walking to my car, which is parked just round the corner. I get in my car and drive away, heading home.


Yo yo thanks for reading x

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