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Spencer Willow

Unfortunately, the day of prom arrives. I'm currently sat at my dressing table in my dress, doing my makeup. My hair is curled down my back, and my makeup is very simple, sticking with the white and gold theme.

Once I've finished my makeup, I slip on my shoes and head downstairs. My mum is sat in the living room and smiles when she sees me.

"See, it isn't that bad," my mum says, and I roll my eyes.

"Sure," I reply, before I leave the house, heading to my car. I drive out onto the road and start heading to school. I park just outside the school and head to the doors, seeing many people turning up in fancy limos and other cars they've hired. I walk inside and head into the hall, where most people are already there. I walk in and get a drink, before heading to a bench and sitting down, taking out my phone.

The hall is dark, with a few different coloured lights scattered around. There are people everywhere, dancing to the music which is blasting out through the speakers. There is glitter scattered on the floor, which reflects the light from the coloured lights, illuminating the room.

"You look like you're having fun," I hear someone say, and I look up to see James, who sits down beside me. James is just wearing a standard black suit, nothing special. Most of the boys are the same. God, I would love to be in a suit right now.

"What do you want?" I sigh, and James rolls his eyes.

"Maybe I just wanted to speak to you for a bit," James shrugs, and I turn to face him.

"Maybe I don't want to speak to you," I reply, and James frowns.

"I've given you space, I've given you time, I just want to sort things out," James informs me, and I look down at my hands.

"I'm not ready to, and I don't know if I ever will. You've got a girlfriend, you're with Cheryl now, so you made your decision, and I'm happy for you. I don't want to be second choice anymore," I reply, and James frowns.

"You were never second choice," James tells me, and I roll my eyes.

"Maybe not, but it's too late now, it doesn't matter," I reply, and James sighs, as I stand up.

"I loved you," James tells me and I just place a smile on my face at the sentence which slowly breaks my hurt.

"That's the worst part. You never loved me, you don't know what love is. And I loved you so damn much, but you threw it away. I could never forgive you for that," I whisper, wiping a tear from under my eye, trying not to ruin my makeup.

"I did love you, that isn't true," James says, and I roll my eyes, almost laughing at how pathetic this is.

"No, you love Cheryl. Stay away from me," I reply, stepping back. James grabs my wrist when I try to leave and presses his lips forcefully against mine. It seems like it should be one of those fairytale endings, when the girl tries to leave by the boy wants her to stay, so he kisses her. Instead, I've got this. I push him backwards, and James watches me, looking upset.

"What the hell are you doing? Stay away from me, I never want to see you again," I whisper, before turning around and rushing out the hall. I head into an empty classroom nearby and sit down on the floor, in the dark. Cheryl is going to see, she's going to hate me for this.

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