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Zach Woods

I wake up with my arm tightly wrapped around a girl, my body closely pressed against theirs, and my leg slightly wrapped around hers. I open my eyes to see the back of a blonde girl's head. I recognise her from her perfume first, before I realise that it's Spencer.

"Spencer," I whisper. Knowing me, I'm probably still drunk, and it's some random blonde from school.

"What?" Spencer asks, and I smile, seeing that it is her.

"I was just checking it was you," I whisper in response, not wanting to speak too loudly because I've just woken up.

"What, checking that I wasn't some other girl you slept with while you were drunk?" Spencer comments, and I raise an eyebrow, using my arm around her waist to make her face me. Her hair falls across her face, so I use my hand which isn't on her waist to push her hair out of her face. She still looks beautiful, even in the morning when she has just woken up.

"Don't be like that, you know you'd love to be one of my girls," I whisper with a smirk, and she raise an eyebrow at my joke.

"I would," Spencer replies, looking me straight in the eyes. My smirk drops, and Spencer just smiles. I watch her in surprise, my heart rate increasing slightly.

"Well, if I knew that, our night last night would've been spent very differently," I reply as a joke, and Spencer rolls her eyes. Our night wouldn't have been spend differently last night. I would never do that to her. Not that I don't think she's pretty or anything, I just wouldn't want to hurt her.

"And I would've slapped you round the face," Spencer informs me, and I laugh, imagining her doing this,

"I know you would've done," I reply, smiling.

"Good, because it's disgusting how you treat girls when they're in your bed, so I'm glad we're friends," Spencer tells me, rolling her eyes. I frown slightly, before Spencer takes the opportunity to get out of bed, walking into the bathroom. I watch her leave, and once she's out of earshot.

I don't know why I'm surprised that Spencer mentioned how I've treated other girls. But the thing is, Spencer's different. She isn't my usual type of girl, but the fact that she's different makes me like her. I knew that if I did eventually settle down with someone my previous times with girls would make it difficult, especially with someone like Spencer. I was always told when I was younger that when I had my first real girlfriend, I should make sure I can give her everything. I was told that I'd regret it if I couldn't give her everything, and annoyingly, they were right. Because I can't give Spencer everything, while she could, if she wanted to, give me everything she had. Because she's a nice girl, she hasn't spent her days sleeping round the whole of high school, or dating half the school year, she's dated James, that's it. He's put her off dating again, anyone can see that. She gave him everything and he gave her a broken heart.

Spencer walks back in the room then, just as her phone rings. She must recognise the number, and picks it up quickly. She starts talking to whoever it is, while I decide to head downstairs and make us both a drink.

"Who are you making a drink for?" My mum asks behind me, and I spin round to see her smiling, leaning against the doorframe.

"Spencer's upstairs," I reply, deciding to be honest. I'm close with my mum, so I knew she wouldn't be bothered about the musical, or about Spencer, even though our families don't get along.

"Did you...?" My mum asks, raising an eyebrow, and I shake my head immediately, rolling my eyes.

"No, she fell asleep on the sofa downstairs when we were playing a video game," I reply, and my mum nods.

"Okay. Just remember, Zach, she isn't like the other girls you've been with before. Spencer's a good girl, don't ruin that. Treat her right," my mum says, and I roll my eyes.

"I will," I reply, and my mum laughs, before asking me to make her a coffee too. I make three coffees, before handing my mum her's and taking Spencer's upstairs. Spencer is sat on the bed, still just wearing my shirt.

"Thanks," Spencer says, as I hand her her coffee.

"Who was on the phone?" I ask, curiously.

"My mum," Spencer replies, and I nod, sitting down beside her.

"What did she want?" I ask, curiously.

"She just wanted to tell me that I'm no longer allowed to go out in the evenings for like a month," Spencer replies, rolling her eyes. I smile slightly, having a sip of my coffee.

"Sounds fun," I comment, and Spencer smiles.

"About what I said earlier, about you treating girls badly earlier, I didn't mean it. You've never treated me badly, and you don't treat Emily, May and Lucy badly either, so I'm sorry," Spencer apologises, and I raise an eyebrow.

"You have nothing to apologise for, it's true what you said," I reply, and Spencer frowns.

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, I had no right to say it either way," Spencer says, and I smile.

"Don't worry," I reply, and Spencer smiles.

"Okay," Spencer says, before finishing her coffee. "I need to go and see my dear old mother, so I'm going to have to go,, Spencer says, standing up. I nod, as she takes yesterday's clothes and changes in the bathroom, before leaving the bathroom and walking over to me.

"Thank you for last night and this morning," Spencer smiles, and I smile back, before she heads downstairs and leaves the house, walking down the street.


Short chapter again, sorry! Vote if you liked it anyway and comment any feedback and your thoughts! X

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