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Spencer Willow

After spending the rest of Sunday sat inside doing homework, I head to school on Monday.

"Spencer!" I hear someone call, and I see Charlie jogging after me. I turn around and smile at her, and she grins back.

"I was wondering whether you and Zach could stay after school today? The rehearsal isn't on but we've just got all the outfits finished so we want to take the pictures to go on the flyers we're going to hand out," Charlie informs me, and I nod.

"I can, I'm not sure about Zach," I reply, and Charlie nods, smiling.

"I assume it was you who Connor went to see after I told him about the baby?" Charlie asks, and I nod.

"Yeah," I reply, and Charlie nods.

"Well, when he came back he seemed like he felt a lot better about the baby, so thank you," Charlie says, and I smile.

"No problem, I'm always here," I reply, and Charlie smiles, before seeing Zach on the other side of the hall and running after him, making me smile. I head to my locker and take out a few books, before heading to my first lesson.

After school, I head into the main hall, where Charlie and Zach are already waiting.

"Sorry, I had to see my teacher about something," I apologise, and Charlie smiles.

"It's okay. Well, we wanted the cover to look good, so we have a hair stylist and a makeup artist in to do your hair and makeup, and they'll be in the first dressing room if you go in there," Charlie informs me, and I nod, before Zach and I walk into the dressing rooms behind the stage. I walk in the first one and see a lady and a man in there.

"Zach and Spencer?" The man checks, and I nod.

"Okay, great. I'll do Spencer's makeup while John does Zach's hair, then John can do Spencer's hair," the lady smiles, as I sit down on the chair. The lady, who I found it was called Vicki, starts to do my makeup. I learn a few things about makeup while she does it, before I'm done, and John does my hair, while Vicki puts some makeup on the reluctant Zach. Once my hair is done, we head back out onto the stage to get our clothes, before we both go and get changed in the different dressing rooms. I'm wearing the yellow dress from the A Lovely Night scene, while Zach is wearing the white shirt, black tie, and black trousers from this scene as well. We both wear the black and white tap shoes.

"I think that we should do the scene where you're sat on the bench together, in A Lovely Night," Charlie informs us, and Zach and I nod, sitting down on the bench on the stage. Behind us, is a large green screen, where they will put the scene behind us, as the backdrops aren't finished yet.

"Just run through the scene, and I'll tell you to stop when I want you to," Charlie calls, before Zach and I start to run through the scene.

"Stop!" Charlie shouts over, and we stop. We're at the part where Zach has just pretended to flick dirt at me, and I'm in the process of hitting him. We free like that long enough for the picture to be taken. We continue the dance after that, stopping a few more times before we get to the end.

"Okay, that's good. Thank you, you're done," Charlie tells us, before Zach and I head back to get changed. I change back into my normal clothes and hang up the dress.

"Spencer, hey," Zach says, running to catch up with me as I leave the hall.

"Hey," I reply, as I walk to my car.

"I assume you can't come out for a coffee?" Zach asks, and I shake my head.

"No, sorry, my mum is making me go straight home," I reply, and Zach nods, smiling.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow," Zach grins, before he walks away to his car. I get in my car and drive back home, where my mum is waiting in the dining room.

"You made it just in time for dinner," my mum says, as I sit down at the table. I smile, before eating my dinner. Once I've finished eating, I put my plate in the dishwasher and head upstairs, where I start my homework.

I do my homework for a few hours, before going through more of my La La Land script. I run through all my songs, and learn more of my part, before my phone rings, and I see Connor's name appear.

"Hey," Connor says, as I put my script away.

"Hey," I reply, wondering why he is ringing me.

"I only phoned because I'm bored, don't worry, I'm not about to tell you me and Charlie have got married or anything. Charlie is going to visit her parents for a few weeks, so I'm at the hotel room alone so I was bored," Connor informs me, and I smile, laughing slightly.

"Okay," I reply, and Connor chuckles.

"Are you at home?" Connor asks, curiously.

"Yeah, mum won't let me out in the evenings anymore," I reply, and Connor laughs.

"Well I'm not surprised when you're sleeping round Zach's house," Connor laughs, as I lie down on my bed.

"She doesn't know that," I reply.

"I guess, but now you've left it up to her imagination where you've been. I'd dread to think of where she's thinking," Connor replies, and I laugh.

"It's fine, I'll just tell her I was at a strip club," I reply, smiling.

"Yeah, you do that, see where that gets you," Connor says, and I roll my eyes.

"Anyway, I'm going to go to sleep, so goodnight," I smile.

"Goodnight," Connor says, before I hang up, putting my phone down and falling asleep.


Another short chapter, but this was the second part of my double update to make up for it! Don't forget to vote if you liked it and comment your thoughts! X

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