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Spencer Willow

"Don't act so shocked, I'm not always late," I tell my mum, when she opens the door. Her mouth is wide open in shock, as I'm actually here an hour early, before Zach's family arrive.

"You're always late," my mum comments, letting me inside. I step inside and follow my mum into the living room. On the table, is two newspapers, today's and yesterday's. I've made both front covers, one being the one about me having the abortion, and one about me talking about it.

"You'd make a good candidate for state senator," my mum informs me, seeing me looking at the newspapers.

"You'll have competition in a few years," I reply, trying not to make the conversation awkward. My mum smiles, shaking her head slightly.

"I look forward to it," my mum smiles, before pouring us both a drink. I thank her for the drink, having a sip. The house smells of pastry, so I assume we're having pie for dinner, most likely chicken or beef. The sound of Christmas music faintly fills the room, since it is Christmas in just a few days.

Christmas has never been my favourite holiday, but I like the songs. I loved it when I was younger, it was always my mum, my dad, Connor, and I. We would wake up early and go down to sit in the living room, where the Christmas tree would be squashed into the corner of the room, which would have lots of presents underneath. However, this year, Christmas is going to be very separate. Connor is still going to be out in the army, my dad will spend it with his new girlfriend, and I'm at Luke's, so everyone is spending it separately, which is sad. But I guess things change.

I've checked with Luke, and he agreed that I could invite Charlie, since she would also be spending Christmas alone and pregnant, so she agreed to come to Luke's as well, which should be good. She seems to have cheered up a bit since Connor left, but I know that Christmas is sometimes difficult, so it's good that she isn't spending it alone. I remember the first Christmas I had without Connor, everything just seemed out of place and wrong, like I felt guilt for wanting to celebrate, knowing that my brother was in the cold risking his life.

My mother and I fall into silence, so I take the opportunity to take her Christmas present out my bag. I dropped my dad's present off at his house earlier today, but he didn't answer the door, so I just left it on the porch.

"Oh, um, thanks. Here's yours from me, your dad, and Connor," my mum replies, handing me three different presents, each with different wrapping paper on. I smile, placing the four presents in my bag, one having Charlie's name on.

"Thank you," I say gratefully, before we fall into yet another silence. My mum leaves the room to check the food, while I take out my phone. Apparently it's supposed to snow tonight, which should be nice, maybe we'll have a white Christmas this year.

I scroll through Facebook, seeing that someone in school is holding some sort of Christmas party, with fake snow and Christmas songs. People are dressed up in revealing outfits, like wearing short red skirts in an attempt to be Mrs Claus.

The doorbell rings soon later, and I hear Mrs Woods's voice. My mum greets them all, guiding them into the dining room. I follow them in a bit after, greeting them all, before sitting down. I'm sat opposite Zach, which I'm surprised my mum actually allowed to happen. Next to me is Mrs Woods, who has Mr Woods opposite her. Then at the end of the table is my mum.

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