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Spencer Willow

Today is the day I found out if I got the part I wanted. The day starts of well, with my brother asleep beside me. I leave him to sleep while I go and have a shower, before changing into my uniform. I decide to straighten my hair, before quickly putting on some makeup and going back into my brother's room. He's still asleep, so I decide to leave him to sleep since he spent most of yesterday on different planes.

I leave the house early and drive to school, and I'm surprised by the amount of people already there. A lot of people auditioned, so I doubt I got the part I auditioned for, but I guess all I can do is hope. I walk into school, seeing everyone crowded round the bulletin board. I feel like I'm in High School Musical.

"How the fuck has the bitch got the part? That part was mine! That bitch took everything from me, and now she's taken this?! She doesn't even sing or dance or act or anything! How the hell as she got lead female?!" Cheryl shrieks into Zach's chest, as Zach awkwardly places his hands on her waist.

"It's just a school production..." Zach starts to say, but Cheryl just slaps him, before she sees me.

"You bitch," Cheryl says to me, and I watch in confusion.

"What? I haven't done anything," I reply, confused. And that's when Cheryl rips the list off the bulletin board and points to the part of Mia, which has my name next to it. I got the part. I got the part I auditioned for. And Cheryl isn't happy about it. And below the part of Mia is the name of the person playing Sebastian, and it's Zach. Just my luck.

"Now you'll take my boyfriend again, just like you took James. You've taken my chance of getting into college, you taken everything from me!" Cheryl screams, lifting her hand to slap me, but I grab her wrist before she can hit me. I see India, Rihanna and Joe walk in to watch the scene. And for some reason, I feel confident.

"I want nothing to do with your boyfriend, trust me. And I don't know whether you were confused, but I didn't take James away, I think you'll find you've got me and you muddled up. I auditioned for this part because I wanted the damn thing, not to spite you or ruin anything you had going. I took the part because I fucking worked for it," I reply, and Cheryl screams, like a child who doesn't get their way.

"We're not done, bitch!" Cheryl shouts after me as I start to walk away.

"Game on," I say, a wide smile making an appearance on my lips. Then I turn away and walk out the door.

"Spencer!" India shouts, as India, Rihanna and Joe catch up with me.

"What happened?" Rihanna asks, and I shrug.

"I got the part of Mia in the school production," I say, and India grins.

"So that's why Cheryl's pissed off? Because you stole her part?" Joe asks, and I nod.

"And also that Zach got the part of Sebastian, so she thinks I'm going to steal her boyfriend," I reply, and Rihanna nods.

"Well, she stole yours once, it's only fair," Rihanna jokes, and I laugh.

"Trust me, I have no interesting in stealing her boyfriend. He's an ass," I reply, sitting down on a bench and taking out my phone. I see that I have a missed call from my brother, so I ring him back. India clicks it on speaker so she can hear.

"Hey, how did it go? Am I on speaker?" Connor asks, clearly having only woken up a few minutes ago.

"Fine, if you ignore the fact that Cheryl wants to kill me, and yes you're on speaker. India, Rihanna and Joe are here," I reply, and Connor chuckles.

"Did you get the part then?" Connor asks.

"Yes," I reply, and Connor chuckles.

"Good, show Cheryl who's boss," Connor says, and I laugh.

"Yeah, that would be her," I reply, and Connor chuckles.

"So, who's Sebastian?" Connor asks, and I bite my lip.

"That's the problem. It's Zach," I reply.

"That's a good thing, isn't it? You did sleep with hi-" Connor starts to say and India's, Rihanna's and Joe's eyes all snap to mine.

"Connor, for goodness sake, I told you nothing happened he fell asleep on me what was I supposed to do?!" I say, and Connor laughs.

"I know, I just know that you're with India and that she wanted to know who the mysterious boy was," Connor laughs, and I roll eyes.

"I'm going to break your other leg when I get home," I say through gritted teeth, and I hear Connor laugh.

"I look forward to it," Connor says, before I hang up.

"It was Zach?! Do you want Cheryl to murder you?" India asks, and I roll my eyes.

"I told you nothing happened, he's an asshole. We were drinking and I fell asleep, he just fell asleep with his head on my leg, literally nothing happened. Don't worry about it, Cheryl will never know," I reply, rolling my eyes.

"You say that now. Well I'd kill to have been in your position," Rihanna says, earning herself a light hit from her boyfriend. India just giggles, before we hear a bell ring in the school, so we all head inside to our lessons.


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