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Spencer Willow

I wake up early the next morning and get up straight away, managing to untangle myself from Zach, who thankfully doesn't wake up.

I pick up last night's dress and quickly put it on, thing my hair up messily in a ponytail. I can hear Mr and Mrs Woods talking downstairs, so I don't know whether to walk down with Zach or what, I can't imagine the conversation.

"Where are you going?" I hear Zach ask, his voice lower than usual because he just woke up.

"I need to go, I'm supposed to be helping Luke with Christmas dinner," I tell Zach, turning round to face him and smiling.

"Wait, I'll walk you out," Zach says, getting out of bed and leading me downstairs.

"I'll come and see you later," Zach informs me, and I nod, smiling.

"Okay, I'll see you then," I smile, leaning up and kissing his cheek lightly, before I leave, heading to Luke's. Luke and Lily are already up, and Luke raises an eyebrow when I walk in.

"I'll be down in like ten minutes, let me just have a shower, sorry," I apologise, and Luke laughs, rolling his eyes.

"Okay," Luke agrees, before I rush upstairs, quickly having a shower and changing into some tight black skinny jeans and a grey sweater which has 'Merry Christmas' written on the front.  I brush my hair but don't bother drying it, before heading downstairs.

"Well, you've made front page news again," Luke informs me, passing me the newspaper. On the front, it has the title 'Romeo and Juliet vs Zach and Spencer', referring to the fact that our families are enemies. Underneath, is a picture of us kissing by the Christmas tree and us walking walking away, laughing. The article says something about the family feud ending with us, even though I'm pretty sure it never would. It mentions James and Cheryl a few times, but mentions that we've been seen together a few times and that we are in the musical together. It also mentions me going back it his house last night and says something about us hooking up, before the article ends.

"Oh well, it saves me having to tell my mum," I shrug, and Luke rolls his eyes.

"Did you? Hook up? Because I'll happily kill him," Luke asks, and I laugh, shaking my head.

"No, I just didn't want to wake you up," I reply, and Luke nods, before I help him set up the long table. We set up quite quickly, and people start coming in. This consists of people who can't be bothered to make their own Christmas dinner, and then various members of Luke's family.

"Spencer!" I hear Luke's brother say, as he walks towards me and presses his lips against mine. I scrunch up my face, and laugh when he steps back.

"How many years?" I ask, and Luke's brother, Mark, laughs. Every year he always kisses me when he walks in for Christmas, saying that it's bad luck to not do it. Mark is only a year older than me, so when this first started it wasn't too weird. The first time, he did it accidentally. He thought that I was a family member and he did it like you'd kiss a family member, but now he just does it every year.

"Um, well I've come here every Christmas since I was ten, but you started working here when you were thirteen, so it was when you were thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, and now eighteen, so six," Mark grins, and I roll my eyes.

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