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Spencer Willow

"Mum, listen to me-" I argue, as I am dragged into the house and into the living room, reluctantly sitting down on the chair. My mum sits down opposite me, looking angry.

"A musical, with Zach Woods. I don't want you to be seen with him, he's a terrible person. He isn't good for you, you deserve someone way better," my mum informs me, and I roll my eyes.

"What, like James?" I reply, crossing my arms in annoyance, almost childlike.

"Well at least he treated you right," my mum replies, and I stare at her, in disbelief.

"Well you don't think I deserve much then, do you? I deserve to be cheated on, do I? Thanks," I shout, raising my voice in frustration.

"He was a nice boy, but that isn't the point. I've told you, thousands of times, stay away from anyone in that family. I thought maybe telling you what happened between our families would stop you, but it didn't. You are getting involved with murderers, Spencer!" My mum shouts back, and I almost laugh.

"So are you, I mean, you killed a man. They're not murderers, they're just related to one. You, you did it by yourself. And you have the nerve to call them murderers?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"I told you, it was an accident," my mum replies, rolling her eyes.

"Killing someone is a pretty big accident, mum," I reply, and my mum pours herself a drink.

"Anyway, this isn't about that. This musical, you can't be in it if Zach is being in it," my mum informs me, and I sigh.

"I can make my own decisions. Also, this musical...I really want to do this. You told me I could as long as my grades remained high, and I've done that. Just because I'm in a musical with him doesn't mean I speak to him all the time, or that we're even friends," I reply, ignoring the fact that I did kiss Zach this morning, and we are definitely friends. If not, something more. My mind flashes back to the kiss, and it creates butterflies in my stomach. Does that mean he likes me as more than a friend?

"So nothing is going on with you and Zach?" My mum asks, and I shake my head, telling her that nothing is going on.

"No, he just happens to be in the musical with me," I lie, and my mum sighs.

"I just don't want you involved with him, I want you to quit it," my mum informs me, and I groan.

"Well I'm not going to. Mum, this is my dream. There will be scouts there, I could get a scholarship for an amazing school like Juilliard or Harvard or something! This could be brilliant for me! You've never even heard me sing or seen my dance, you'll get to see that at the musical. I really want this, mum, please," I plead, and my mum sighs, having a sip of her drink.

"You can't stay in the musical, Spencer, it isn't practical and I don't want you having any connections to that family," my mum frowns, dismissively.

"Fine, I'm leaving," I inform her, standing up.

"No, you're not," my mum tells me, and I roll my eyes.

"Why?" I ask, and my mum shakes her head.

"Your Uncle Harry, he's coming over for Christmas from Paris. He's going to take you back there with him," my mum informs me, and I raise an eyebrow, surprised and shocked.

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