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Spencer Willow

"So, you and Charlie," I say to my brother, as he sits in the living room with me, with a coffee in both of our hands.

"I like her. A lot. But I don't know whether I should tell her. In a few months time, I'll be going back to the army, and I know how much you miss me when I'm gone, I don't know if I can put Charlie through the same thing," Connor replies, sighing.

"Well, to me it seems like she likes you too, and Charlie isn't the sort of person who would wait too long for you to say anything. If you don't say anything, she will. And what would you do then?" I ask, and Connor takes a sip of his coffee, leaning back in the chair.

"I don't know, I could lie and say I don't feel the same, or say I feel the same, even though when I go back into the army she won't see me for ages, or I could get shot-" Connor starts to say, and I look down at my hands.

"Charlie knows this, though. She knows about where you work, she knows that it's dangerous. But she knows that you like it, because you're doing something to honour the country. She would never stop you, she's a strong girl," I interrupt, and Connor sighs.

"What do you think I should do then?" Connor asks, and I look up at him.

"I think you should explain to her exactly how you feel, about how your job is affecting your decision, and tell her that you do like her, and then she has the choice to decide whether she thinks your job will be an issue," I reply, and Connor nods.

"Okay, I'll speak to her tonight," Connor informs me, and I nod.

"Good luck, not that you need it," I smile, and Connor smiles back.

"Thanks," Connor says.

"How did you two meet?" I ask, curiously.

"We met at school, you know this," Connor replies, confused.

"No, like how did you meet again?" I question, and Connor looks at his hands.

"We hooked up. When I came back in September, I went to a party and we hooked up there. Then she needed somewhere to stay so she is staying with me in my hotel room. I can't believe it's nearly been two months of her being back," Connor replies, before I check the time

"Shit, Zach's picking me up in fifteen minutes. Sorry, I have to go," I remember, and Connor raises an eyebrow.

"Why?" Connor asks, as I stand up.

"Everyone's going to the beach, and they invited me, so unfortunately I have to go," I reply, and Connor chuckles, as I quickly run upstairs to have a shower and get dressed. I decide to wear a loose white crop top and some blue high-waisted shorts, with some sandals. I put this on over the top of my black bikini, before putting on some waterproof makeup and leaving my hair down my back. I bring a bag, in which I put a towel, some sunglasses, some sun cream, and some makeup to put on after in case my current makeup does come off.

I slip my phone into my back pocket and head back downstairs, where Connor is getting ready to leave.

"Have a good day," Connor smiles, before we both walk out the house. I see Zach's car, so I quickly head over, calling goodbye to Connor, who is getting in his car.

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