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Spencer Willow

When I get home that day, Connor immediately hobbles over to me and hugs me, and I grin.

"I saw a video on snapchat of you and Cheryl," Connor comments, and I raise an eyebrow.

"Okay," I reply, and Connor grins.

"You did good," Connor says, before my mum appears.

"Can I speak to you, Spencer?" My mum asks, and I nod.

"Yeah, sure, what is it?" I ask, and my mum holds up her phone.

Dear Mr and Mrs Willow,
We'd like to congratulate your daughter in her success at the auditions for the end of year production the school is doing for 'La La Land', the hit musical. We look forward to seeing her at rehearsals.
Yours sincerely,
Willow Woods High School

"Oh," is all I can say.

"Yes, oh. What don't you understand about studying hard to get a decent job? Instead, you're prancing around a stage singing to 'Grease'," my mum says, obviously not happy with the decision.

"It's 'La La Land', not 'Grease', and I'm still studying hard. I want to do this, mum, there will be college scouts there, for places like Juilliard, Oxford, all sorts of places. This is a big opportunity, this'll help me get into a good college, and I promise my grades won't drop a single mark," I attempt to persuade her, and my mum sighs.

"So this will help you get into a good college?" My mum checks, and I nod.

"Yes, if I do well," I reply, and my mum nods. I cross my fingers behind my back in anticipation, hoping that she'll agree to me doing it.

"Okay, fine. But the moment your grades start dropping you're dropping out," my mum says, and I grin.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I say, gratefully, quickly hugging her, before heading up to my room. I sit down on my bed, and sigh in relief. I got the part, my mum is letting me do it. It's working out, it's going right. Maybe my life is getting itself together.

Or maybe not.

The next day is Saturday, and I head to work, as promised. Only to find the place a mess. Luke is stood outside, looking angry.

"Luke," I say, and he turns round to look at me. "What happened?"

"Someone must have driven their car into it or something," Luke says, and I stare in shock at the wreckage that the whole building is.

"But how? Weren't you upstairs?" I ask, considering his apartment is above it.

"No, I stayed with my girlfriend " Luke sighs, and I frown.

"Look, I'll help you clear it up. We'll sort it," I say, reassuringly, not that I see that happening. It's ruined. It looks like someone drove their car into the side, knocking half the walls down, getting glass everywhere. Everything is shattered into millions of pieces, everything is gone.

"You'll hurt yourself, there is glass everywhere," Luke says, worriedly.

"Well that's what we'll do first, try and clear up the glass," I shrug, heading inside to the smashed up cupboards, where I find a dustpan and brush. Luke starts making phone calls, while I start to get rid of the majority of the glass.

"What happened?" I hear someone ask, and I look up to see Zach stood above me.

"Be careful, there's glass everywhere," I say, continuing to brush away the glass into the bin which is next to me.

"I can cope with some glass, what happened?" Zach asks, crouching down beside me.

"I don't know, a vehicle or something drove into the building and somehow managed to drive away, even though their car must have been destroyed," I reply, and Zach sighs.

"I'm free today, if you want any help?" Zach asks, and my first thought is to say no, but looking at the place, I think we need all the help me can get.

"If you're not busy, that would be amazing," I reply, and Zach grins.

"Look, take this dustpan and brush, I'll get another one. Just sweep up as much of the glass as you can," I inform him, and he nods, taking the dustpan and brush and starts to sweep up the glass. I grab the other one from the cupboard and start to sweep up the glass on the other side.

A few hours later, we stop for lunch, after having cleared up most of the glass.

"Thanks, for your help, both of you," Luke says, and I smile.

"No problem," I reply, as Luke's girlfriend, Lily, returns with lunch. She hands each of us a sandwich and a drink, before sitting down next to Luke.

"So, Zach, how do you know Spencer?" Luke asks, and Zach looks up.

"Um, our families know each other, and we go to the same school," Zach shrugs, having a sip of his drink. We're sat outside on a picnic table Lily brought with her in the back of her pickup truck.

"He's the Woods' son," I add, knowing that they'll recognise the name.

"Oh, makes sense now. I thought I recognised you," Luke comments, and Zach nods, smiling his charming smile at them both. I roll my eyes. They start talking about something, and soon we're back working.

I finish the last of the glass clearing, before I hear Zach yell out in pain.

"Zach? Are you okay?" I call, standing up and heading over to where Zach is. He has blood pouring out of his head, and I bite my lip, worriedly.

"What happened?" I ask, and he winces, touching it slightly with his finger.

"I was sweeping up the glass and I accidentally flicked a bit up and it scratched my head," Zach says, and I sigh, heading inside and grabbing the first aid kit.

"Sit down," I tell him, and he listens, sitting down on the pavement. I sit down next to him and open the first aid kit. I start to sort it out, and Zach winces the moment I touch the cut.

"Sorry," I apologise, and Zach grins.

"It's fine," Zach replies, as I sort it out. Soon later, it's all sorted out.

"Thanks," Zach says gratefully, before we stand up.

"Zach! Zach! There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you!" I hear someone say, shouting from across the street and I groan when I see that it's Cheryl.

"I think that's my cue to leave," I mutter, and Zach chuckles.

"Sorry," Zach apologies, before I walk away to help Luke.

When it starts getting dark, we start to leave. Zach left when Cheryl arrived, and I'm just leaving now, at around six. I get in my car and drive home, ready to fall straight asleep.


No one is reading but thank you to anyone who actually reads this thank you note even though there is no one to read it (I don't think that made sense)

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