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Spencer Willow

A few weeks pass of rehearsals and exams, all starting and ending the same. Monday morning arrives in early December, and I'm woken up by my mum knocking on my bedroom door. She walks in, and she doesn't look happy. She looks like she's angry at me for doing something, and I frown, not knowing what I've done.

"I got something in the post this morning," my mum informs me, and I frown, raising an eyebrow. She hands me something, a white slip of paper folded up. I unfold the paper, and see the flyer for the La La Land performance, with Zach and I sat on the bench on the front. I exhale slowly, knowing exactly why my mum is annoyed.

"You didn't tell me that Zach Woods was playing the other character," my mum states, and I look down at my hands.

"It never came up," I reply, quietly.

"What do you mean, it never came up? You had every opportunity to tell me!" My mum replies, her voice raised.

"Okay, maybe I did have the opportunity to tell you, but you still would've reacted like this. You would've been just as angry that you didn't know," I reply, and my mum sighs.

"You're not being in the musical anymore, not with him being in it," my mum informs me, and I stare at her in shock. This musical means so much to me, I get to do what I want to do, I've been looking forward to it. She can't just tell me I can't.

"Why? Why not? What's wrong with him? Why don't you like their family? What happened?" I ask, just as annoyed as she is now.

"I've told you, it doesn't matter," my mum replies, and I groan.

"Well, yes, it does matter. You can't just take away this because of something that doesn't matter! Give me a reason," I say loudly, trying not to cry.

"They're bad people, Spencer! They ruined everything for you, for us!" My mum shouts, irritated.

"Why? Why are they bad people?" I ask, trying to stay calm.

"Zach's grandfather killed your grandmother, that's how she died. They're killers!" My mum shouts, and I stare at her, shocked. My grandmother and I were close, really close, when I was a child. I always got along with her, as did my parents and Connor. And then she died, and my mum told me it was because of an illness. Then I think of something else, and I frown.

"Zach's grandfather, he died a few weeks after grandmother. Was that of an illness too?" I ask, and my mum sighs.

"I don't know," my mum replies, and I frown, noticing that she's lying.

"What happened?" I whisper, and my mum sighs, looming upset.

"I didn't mean for it to happen! I went there intending to just scare him, but...I don't know, it took over me and then he was dead," my mum whispers, and I stare in shock.

"You killed him?" I whisper, a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Yes, and they know I did it. That's why we don't get along. We both have to keep quiet because both families have murdered," my mum whispers, and I stay silent, not knowing what to say.

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