00. † not a believer †

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"Enough said, I'm sure we can help Adelaid out during this difficult time. There is always room for one more in God's heart." Oh fuck off. Did she really think I, Adelaid Voltaire Simone Harden was going to become God's child overnight? I didn't understand why my own mother thought this was a good idea, because it was far from a good idea. This was the last place I wanted to be, and if she thinks that sending me here to deal with my father's help would sort me out. Then she thought wrong. 

"Adelaid, would like to have a tour of the property?" I just sat there, no eye contact. No movement. Nothing. I could hear my mother rolling her eyes before speaking up for me. 

"I'm sure she'd like that very much thank you." Yeah no thanks. I stood up anyways and walked out, wandering around the place and not taking too much care or notice of anything really. They had pictures hung up on the wall of previous girls taught here. I didn't see the big deal about it all, I wasn't a believer. Nor did I want to become one. 

My mother has this big idea that if I go to church more and start having faith then it won't be so hard coming to terms with the fact that daddy is gone. The one person in this world who understood me, who always had my back, and the only person that never left my side. The funeral was the worst, I knew my mother couldn't do it sober and she knew it too. I still hate her for it, how disrespectful it was that she got wasted the one day she was supposed to be there for me. 

And once I called her out on her bullshit she sends me to the sisters to 'sort me out because I'm lashing out over daddy's death.' I was already bored of this place, it was quiet and cold and smelt weird. I found myself stumbling into a cathedral, only a few people present and all eyes were on me as soon as the door swung closed. Leaving an echo throughout the whole room. I turned my head to see one of those confession box things, wow so they really did have those. 

I couldn't help but scoff as I continued to walk down the isle and sit down, booklets placed on the back of the seats I'm guessing prayers and crap. 

"Unbelievable." I chuckled to myself, not believing this crap for one second. 

"Not a follower of the church I'm guessing." A voice came from behind me, it belonged to a male. An old, ugly, beat up priest I was guessing. I didn't bother turning around, no point. 

"Never been one, never will be." I smirked to myself, acting cocky towards this person who thinks they might be able to plant some idea in my head to 'give in and let God guide you' when in reality I knew that there was nothing. He was wasting his time talking to me that's for sure. 

"I'm sure that once you really meet the people in here and start to open yourself up to God and Christ, you can begin to heal." I rolled my eyes harder than I ever have before, do they never listen to what I'm saying? I sighed, getting up from my seat and storming out. My shoes were loud and echoed throughout the cathedral but I didn't care for it, not my problem. I didn't look back, not for a second. Making my way back to the office of Mother Dane, the woman who ran this horror show. Next thing you know I'll be getting possessed or some shit. 

My mother had signed the paper work and settled my suitcases down, standing to her feet and thanking the nun before turning to me with tears in her eyes. Like it was my choice to come here in the first place. I felt her wrap her arms around me, I chose not to hug her back. Why would I? After the very awkward and not needed hug she left, and the nun took over. 

"Follow me please." She grabbed my bags, probably to how good hospitality and crap. I wasn't falling for this crap. There has to be something wrong with this place that I can pick at until the whole thing comes undone. One little thing to fuck up the reputation they have built for themselves. I just needed to find it, that's all. Mother Dane began to go on about the rules: 

Rule Number One 

No leaving bed after nine unless you've been asked too by a member of the church or if there is a fire 

Rule Number Two 

Do not go into out of bounds areas, this includes offices, unsupervised classroom and areas, outside of the gates

Rule Number Three 

No swearing, drugs, alcohol, violence, sexual act or using the Lord's name in vain. 

Rule Number Four 

You are to attend all classes and are permitted to complete all the work given to you during the time of those classes

And finally, 

Rule Number Five 

All confessions must take place on Sunday and you must attend church when required

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