32 • Not The Same

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As much as I enjoyed being spoiled and having Jimin be like a servant, I didn't at the same time. I couldn't walk or do anything myself. I liked being able to dress myself and bathe myself. I never thought I missed such little details of my life that I never really took notice of before. "Jimin~ah!" I called out as I saw Jimin jog into the room.

This is what I was talking about. He would literally stop everything he was doing and run upstairs just to come to me. Like he was worried that I was dying. Yes my wound did hurt a little whenever I moved too much but I never was in much pain. "Can we go out today? I haven't been outside in forever..." I groaned as he smiled and nodded.

Wheeling my wheelchair over to me and setting it beside my bed. He helped me get into his and began pushing me towards the door. "Wait!" I said and he quickly stopped. "I need to do my make up." I said and he rolled his eyes. "But you look beautiful already." I shook my head. And decided to take things into my own hands.

I tried wheeling over to the vanity but Jimin quickly took control and wheeled me out of the room. Jimin carried me downstairs and placed me on the table while he went back upstairs to fold my wheelchair and carry it down. He opened it back up and placed me back down in it. We finally made it out the front door and he locked it.

We didn't take a car and instead decided to walk to the park. Well he was walking, I was being wheeled. I never thought I'd say this but I miss walking. I could go wherever I wanted and when I was mad I could move away from Jimin. Now I have to stay and put up with him. I was still mad that he didn't let me put my make up on.

I looked fucking gross, I was covered in pimples because I broke out due to stress. I wanted to cry but then I'd look even worse so I held it in for now. We arrived at the park and I sat there watching kids play on the swings and laughing. I loved kids, I would love to have kids one day. I might not have then with Jimin but I don't care who I'm with.

• • •

We got back home and I was quiet the entire time. "Do you want something to eat babe?" He asked as I sat there and played with my fingers. "I don't care." I grumbled annoyed. Jimin took notice of my tone and attitude and strolled over. Crouching down to be at my level. "What's wrong princess?" He asked me and I sighed.

"That. That's exactly what's wrong. You call me princess but I don't feel like one." I grumbled. "Well you are in my eyes. Walking or not. You'll always be my princess." He said making me blush. Ugh. I can't blush I'm supposed to be mad. You had one job cheeks! You ruined everything. Not only was this whole wheelchair thing making me mad, it was making me sexually frustrated.

It felt like it had been ages since me and Jimin had sex last. And being wounded still, kind of stops me from having sex. Can it just hurry up and completely heal yet? If I don't have an orgasm in the next few weeks, I might just go crazy.

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