14 • Hoseok

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"So this is it?" Avory said as she tried her best to hold back the tears. I smiled and pulled her in for a tight hug which she returned. "I'll miss you." She said and I could tell by her voice she was crying. "Me too." I said tearing up a little. I choked back the tears and pulled back. "Hey um, do you happen to have Hoseok's number? I had a nice time with him the other night." I said and she smiled and gave it to me.

"Thank you Avory, you managed to put up with me. I know I made it hard for you but...no matter how many fake friends I'll have back at home, you'll always be my one true friend." I said and felt a tear roll down my cheek. She pulled me in for one last hug before I got in the car and it started. The car began driving away from the tall brick building and down a road.

I didn't plan for this, nor did I want this. But I can't be near that man much longer, otherwise I'll just get hurt again. I plugged my earphones in and began playing my playlist. I closed my eyes and tried to think of the best memories I had here. A tear trickled down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. My phone began to ring and I looked down seeing it was my mum.

I clicked the pick up button and held my phone up to my ear. "Mum?" I asked as I then heard her voice. "I'll be arriving at the airport in an hour to pick you up. Don't be late." Then she hung up. She was mad. She didn't know about my relationship with Mr. Park but she knew of how much I got in trouble. I let out a sigh and put my ear phones back in.

• • •

Unknown Number

Who is this?

Unknown Number
Hoseok. From the dance?

Oh. Hey.

Hey, how's it going? I heard you got kicked out?

What! No I didn't? I left.

A girl from your school told a guy in our school you got kicked out.

I didn't. I left. That place made me uncomfortable.

Was it me? Was I a bad kisser?

No. It was amazing. I enjoyed it. I was actually wondering if you wanted to come to mine for the weekend? I can fly you out to my place?

Really? You don't have to.

I want to. I enjoyed my time with you and I want to get to know you more.

Okay. Look I got to go but we'll talk later?

Yeah. Bye.


I was probably grinning like a creepy neighbour you have that used to be a sex offender and is watching the kids outside play. Yeah my mind just went to a fucked up place. My phone began ringing and I looked down.

No Caller ID

I picked it up and held the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I asked pushing some hair behind my ear. "I don't like Ho-Hoseok." I recognised the voice to be Mr. Park. "Jimin?" I asked just to make sure. "He is not the boy for you. I am. I'm the boy. But I'm a man." He sounded intoxicated, was he drunk? "The first time you kissed me, I was hooked on you. And slowly...I started to fall in lo--" I quickly cut him off with tears in my eyes.

"Don't. Do not finish that sentence Park Jimin! I do not want to hear those stupid words come out." I said as the tears began to flow down my cheeks and nothing could stop them at this point. "I love you Valerie. And I know I hurt you, yes you weren't the first girl I got involved with. But you were the first I fell for." I leaned back against the wall and sunk down to the floor.

"Why are you doing this? I left because I don't want to be around you anymore. You hurt me." I whimpered and I could hear his soft sigh on the other end. "And so did you. Please come back, or I'm going to quit." Is he being serious right now? No. He wouldn't just end his career like that. "Jimin?" I asked when there was only silence.

"There. I booked a meeting with the board. I'm going to quit and I'm going to come find you." Shit. Shit. Shit. I ran over and grabbed the car keys. Yes I'm grounded but I don't care. "Jimin, don't fucking do anything. I'm coming back." I said and there was still silence. "Really?" He shuffled, was he crying? Oh my god, Valerie you've broken him!

"I'm coming back." I assured him. I was upstairs packing my suitcase. I left a note for mum and drove myself to the airport. I was really going back.

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