26 • Live Together?

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"Live with me. Stay with me for two or three weeks and if we can't fix anything then..we'll leave it." As much as I wanted to say no, I said yes. It had been a week since I was expelled and mum said she doesn't want me staying here by myself. All my old friends think I've gone soft and want nothing to do with me. I couldn't stay at the school. This was kind of my last choice. I grabbed my packed bags and put them in his car.

We still hadn't talked about what happened but that's what I feared the most. We pulled up at his house and it was pretty big. Almost as big as my house but that's just because my mother likes to have big fancy mansion like houses. Jimin got out and brought my bags inside for me, I felt weird. Should I be doing this? I stepped out and followed Jimin inside.

He had his hand placed on my lower back, causing shivers o go down my spine. "This is the entrance. If you follow me I'll show you to the bedroom, bathroom and all that." He said guiding me upstairs with him. Why was I feeling so nervous and shy around him? Was it because I was worried what would happen when we finally did talk about what happened? He gave me a tour around the house and the entire time I was quiet. It was early evening and Jimin told me to go upstairs to take a bath or shower.

I took a bath and relaxed in the warmth, I had my eyes closed and my head back and just letting the hot water wash away the bad day. "Val—Oh shit!" Jimin suddenly came in, I forgot to lock the door. Well to be fair I didn't know how to lock it. "Sorry. I'm so sorry. Um, I just came up to let you know dinner is ready." He said, avowing my gaze, and looking everywhere else around the room.

He's acting like he's never seen me naked before. I nodded and he walked out, closing the door behind him. I got out too and got dressed into some comfortable sweats. I walked downstairs and my mouth watered at the smell of food. I recognized it. It wasn't chicken. It wasn't lamb. It wasn't beef or steak. It's wasn't sushi. "Macaroni cheese!" Jimin said as I smiled and sat down next to him. He was sitting on the end while I was sitting on the side.

"Thank you for the food." I said smiling as we both began to eat. Things went quiet and I couldn't take it anymore. "I want the truth. I don't want you to leave out any part of what happened. I want to know why that happened and what happened afterwards." I said sternly as he put his fork down. "April came to me, she said if I didn't sleep with her one last time then she was going to do something horrible to you. So, I agreed and I had sex with her. But you walking in wasn't part of the plan." My chest wasn't aching so much anymore.

But I could still feel the slight pressure there. "After you left I told April I don't want to ever see her again. And that was the last time I'd ever hurt you." He said, I went a little teary and tore my eyes away from his. I sniffled and tried to hide the fact I was crying, but he still knew I was. He handed me a tissue which I took and wiped my tears and blew my nose with.

• • •

"I'll sleep on the couch." I said but he blocked the doorway. "No. You're the guest. You shouldn't have to sleep on the couch." He said and I rolled my eyes. "No. It's fine. I've slept on worse." I said but he didn't let me pass. "Jimin. You're not my teacher anymore. You don't get to tell me what to do." I said sternly as he chuckled. "Even when I was your teacher you still didn't do what I told you to do." He said making me roll my eyes.

"If you're not going to do this the friendly way." I said, my hand pulled back before groping him hard on his dick. He grunted and moved out of the way. I walked down the steps and onto the couch, getting comfortable. It really was soft to be honest.

• • •

I woke up in a bed. Fucking Jimin. How did I know that this would happen? As soon as I fell asleep he must of carried me upstairs. I got up and walked downstairs only to see him walking around in just his boxers.

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