43 • Lost

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I sat there sobbing, unsure of where I was and unable to go home. I didn't have credit or money so I couldn't call for help at all. Or stay in a hotel. It was cold and I couldn't feel my fingers anymore. I was freezing out here. I sat down and leaned up against a building. Tears running down my face. I was lost.


"Jimin. Hi. What's up?" Avory was the first person I called. "Is she with you?" I asked quickly, praying her answer was yes. "Who?" I was hoping she would say yes. "Valerie." I said biting my nails. Please say yes. "Uh no, I haven't talked to her in ages. Why?" Shit. Shit. Shit. "Fuck!" I yelled. "If she calls or goes to you, call me okay?" I asked and she agreed.

I called her mother next. "Hello Jimin. How are you and my beautiful daughter doing?" She sounded to happy. It ducked I had to bring her down right now. "Valerie is missing." I said and all I heard was silence. "What do you mean? What happened?" She asked, I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I-I-" Tears pricked my eyes, fearing of what her mother might say. "I asked her to marry me..." I finally got out, haring a small gasp on the other end. "What did she say?" Her mother asked and I sighed. "She didn't tell me. She just pushed me away and ran off. I'm so scared and I've searched everywhere for her. What if she's lost? She didn't have much clothing on her and I don't want her to freeze to death." I said, starting to panic.

A scenario of the police calling me up and asking me to come down to the morgue to identify a girl that might be her. And when I do, I see her laying there. Her lips blue, her skin pale and her eyes closed. I shook the small vision out of my head, that won't happen. I will find her.


It was cold, so cold. I was dying for something to drink or eat. I didn't know what the time was nor did I care. I didn't know if I should find my way back. do I want to go back? I have to go back sooner or later. I began walking when I came to a familiar street name, knowing exactly where I was. A small smile on my face as my weak legs limped me towards the door and I knocked harshly.

God how I missed him so much, the door opened and there he stood. He looked like he was about to cry. "Hey." I said, tears in my eyes as I fell into his warm embrace. "I thought I'd never see you again." He mumbled into my cool shoulder. "I thought that too, but you're my brother and I'd never forget you." I whispered back, my voice hoarse.

"Come inside, let me get you something warm." I could always count on him. Namjoon was my half brother and a person I could always count on. "How long have you been in town?" He asked as I sat down by the warm fire that was going, he walked down the hallway, grabbing some clothes and throwing them into the dryer before going into the kitchen and making me a hot chocolate.

Adding miniature marshmallows to it and chocolate drizzle, just how I like it. He also began making me a toasted cheese sandwich. He knew me so well, he quickly went into the laundry and took the clothes out. Handing them to me and telling me to change. I quickly went into the bathroom and put on the large and oversixed hoodie along with the sweats that I had to tighten a little y the drawstring.

The warmth from them being in the dryer surrounded me and made me feel more at home. I walked back into the kitchen to find him finishing my sandwich before handing it to me along with my hot chocolate. "Thank you so much Namjoon." I said as he smiled and sat down next to me, listening to everything that's happened to me.

"So you didn't tell him?" He asked, elbow propped up and chin resting in his palm as he listened and was interested in the whole thing. "What was I supposed to say Nams? Yeah let's get married! I totally am ready for that." I said in a sarcastic tone as I finished the last bite. "I mean, I'm no expert but maybe you were a little too dramatic? He obviously loves you and you've probably scared him now." He said and I sighed, looking down at my empty plate with crumbs scattered across it.

Tears in my eyes as they fell into the plate. "I just don't know what to do Nams, I love him so much and I don't want to lose him. But I'm just not ready." I whimpered, so tired and frustrated. "I know. But maybe you could have said that. It would have been better." He explained and I nodded, understanding. "Could I please stay here for the night? It's cold and I don't want to go back outside." I said and he smiled and nodded.

"Stay as long as you like, but promise me you will talk to this Jimin and I want to meet him too." He said sternly and I nodded, smiling before hugging him. I slept on the  couch, Namjoon insisted I slept in his bed while he took the couch but I was fine. I got to sleep in the warmest room due to the fireplace that kept it lit up and warm.

His couch wasn't that bad either, just as comfortable as my bed. That's why Namjoon only got a small one room house, so he could get good and expensive furniture. I found myself drifting off ever so slowly. The fire still warm but dying down slowly, the room darkened by the second and it was lights out for me.


There I sat in the police station, waiting quietly. My fingernails probably almost gone by now. Let me fill you in on what happened:

"Excuse me, can I please file a missing person report?" I asked walking up to the desk as the cop looked at me. "Sure, when was the last time you say her?" He asked, grabbing a pen and paper. "I don't know. A few hours ago." I stated and the man sighed, putting the pen and paper away. "I'm sorry sir but you can't file a missing persons report until 24 hours have been up." He explained and I couldn't believe it.

"What? That's fucking bullshit. My girlfriend is running the streets, naked, confused, cold and lost because I proposed to her at the wrong fucking time and scared her! I know what she is like and I know she won't come back! You have to help me!" I yelled and he stepped around the counter and towards me. "Son, you need to calm down. I'm sure your girlfriend will be fine, you just need to remain calm okay? Take a seat and I'll get you some water." He said and so here I am.

The plastic up now scrunched up in my fist and I tried to remain calm as best as I could. But I just couldn't. My girlfriend was missing and they were doing nothing about it, saying I have to wait, fuck off I do. Valerie, where did you go?

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