Chapter 1 - Our New Life

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I finally got my own house ! I mean, WE got our own house. It's been more than 3 months since I started WGM with Nichkhun-ssi, and finally, I got what I wanted, a newlywed house. My "husband" thought it would be a party, but I insisted that we're gonna have a house. And I won !. We did make a bet and if I win, Khun has to fulfill my wishes. I told my daughters ( f(x) members ), by phone call , that we got a house, and they all happy. Krystal even said,

"omma, you and appa already got a house, go build your love nest hahaha I'm waiting for a dongsaeng !".

I went blushed after that, "eeeeehhh ?". I just cant believe my daughter think of that. I mean, this is a make believe marriage, we don't supposed to do THAT. That's not even would appear as a mission ! .

"Owh come on, omma. We all knew you like Khun appa..", Luna went straight to the point.

I silenced. Well, there's no reason for not liking my "Husband" : he's handsome, caring, responsible, and not forgetting, nice body. Owh GOD, why did I even mention "nice body" ?.

"well...we cant just do that!" I went "it's forbidden"

The girls giggled over the phone, "well... have a good life, omma. We're gonna come over sometimes, bye !" then they hung up the call.

My heart beat faster after thinking bout what they said earlier. Come on, Vic , be realistic ! It's only a show. Don't get to carried away with it.


We got a house after 3 months "marriage". We even buy our own furniture, and we even visisted my hometown, Thailand. Introduced her to my whole family. Well, My mom and dad like her, Cherleen and my siblings like her too. She even learned to make my fave thai dish. But we had a difficulty with my grandmother. She was really upset that I didn't tell her that I already married. I did explain that this was only a fake marriage, but she seems not understand full about it. She gave me and Vic a hate look. Which make me wonder why.

Then, she asked me, "Did you two slept together ?"

I froze straight after she asked that. Thank GOD she asked that in thai language, so Vic doesn't understand. I just don't know how to explain when she heard that too.

"What ?! No, grandmother. We're friends" , I said. This is my most neutral answer. My heart raced when I think about it.

Well, it's not that I don't like her. I really like her. Really, I do. She's just lovely, nice, pretty and good cooking skill. What else do you need from a wife like that ?. Okay, now I start to think IF this is not only a fake marriage, IF only she's REALLY my WIFE.

It's another shooting day. It's about "doing house work together".

The lights and cameras are on. The staffs are setting here and there.

Khun and Vic still in their couple PJ. She wear a pink bunny slippers, and Khun wear a blue Bear slippers.

"Hmm, doing house work together...what are we gonna do, omma ?" Khun ask his wife.

Vic, while preparing a coffee for Khun, answer, "Hmm, I'll do the laundry. And, how bout you do the cooking today ?". She gives Khun a sneaky smile. She pours hot water from the kettle and start making coffee for him. Not too sweet, that's Khun's fave coffee taste.

Khun smile. He seems like in a very good mood today. Yesterday, he was really tired from 2PM's schedules. This is a day that he wants in life. At home, sitting in the couch, waiting for his wife to join him in the couch with cups of coffee, chatting about their activities while they don't meet each other.

Vic brings 2 cups of coffee to the couch (they even bought couple cups). She seats next to Khun. Cameras surrounding them.

"Thanks, omma", Khun says after Vic handed the cup, "Smells good"

Vic grin. She looks lovely even without those make up and still in PJ. "So, how's your activity lately, appa ? I received your sms"

"It's been packed schedules. I barely have a time to have fun", Khun sips his coffee and put his arm behind the couch. Looks like his arm around her shoulder. They already got used to the skinships. Vic nod understand.

"It must be a rough day for you" Vic put her hand over his hand. Giving encouraging gesture. She knew what it's like being in packed schedules.

"But I'm okay now" he said.

Vic lean closer to him, "is it because you're with me ?" She smiles.

Khun cant help but laugh and give his beaming smile, "yeah". They both laugh.

"So how's your day yesterday?" Khun ask her. She's playing with her caterpillar toy. Khun let her bought it even he didn't like it.

"We did a photo shoot that's all" She replied, sipping her coffee and her hands busy arranging the coffee table in front of her. Placing the magazines and newspapers.

Khun smile mysteriously, "Did the photo shoot involves boys ?"

Vic stopped her activity. Looking at him and she reply, "yes, why ? are you jealous ?"

"Well, you seem having fun with it, so you really enjoy the photo shoot then ?" Khun starts to tease her. It's soo lovely watching the two of the quarrel.

"Wait, are you jealous ? oh come on, appa, it's only Shinee boys photo shoot with us yesterday" She explain carefully, make sure she doesn't hurt him.

"Oh so you're having fun with younger boys now ?" Khun makes a sad face.

"Having fun ? it's only a photo shoot, Khun. And I don't having fun with younger boys" She said.

Khun still teasing her, in fact, he loves to tease her, "You said you're not having fun with younger boys, well, I'm younger than you".

Vic punch his arm, "Khun! It's different! I'm married to you"

Khun gives a sneaky smile, "So you don't regret marrying a younger boy ?"

"No, I don't regret it. Well, honestly, I'm happy with it" She lean to him. Resting her head on his shoulder. Khun automatically lean to her too.

Just for a seconds they lean to each other. Then, the WGM staff broke the silence.

"It's time for house work scenes!!! Come on get ready !"

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