Chapter 18 - [NichchanSooyoung] She Has The Sweetest Smile

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* It's Nichchan - Sooyoung story. Just for a distraction from Khuntoria story for a while. Sorry, if this side stories kind of bothering you.



I was only joking to Vic when I said to her that she has to hook me up with one of her SNSD friends. I felt some kind of jealousy when I watched Khun and Vic. Having someone to be there for

you and someone to share things with and someone to commit with. Well, I do really want to have someone to share my life with. But then, Sherleen gave me a SNSD pictorial book, I started to look at it and hey, someone caught my eyes. She looks different from others. She has a sweet smile and looks really bright. Her name is Sooyoung. It would be nice if I had a chance to know her.

Khun and Vic are enjoying their time after the proposal. Luckily, Khun's mom already prepared 2 hotel rooms for them, Nichchan and Sherleen. Today is a celebration for them after Khun proposed Vic. F(x) daughters are coming and Sherleen can't hide her excitement.

"P'Khun, your F(X) daughters are coming ? Yeay!!! We can dance all night", Sherleen says as she leans to Vic and cuddling to her just like a sibling.

Vic, whose an only child, really happy with the situation that now she got an older brother and 2 beautiful sisters.

Then Khun starts a dangerous conversation.

"So, you both escorted Vic because of mom, or because you need an excuse to go to Seoul ?", Khun let out his sneaky smile. His mom's right, sometimes he needs to be smacked in the head.

Nichchan tries to keep his cool gesture while Sherleen already starting to blushes.

"Aha ! Sherleen na ka. You missed me, don't you ?", Khun snaps, "But why are you rather hanging to Vic than me ?". Somewhat there's a jealousy tone in it.

"I missed you, P'Khun, but...", Sherleen answers but then she pauses. She turns to look at Vic, hoping that she can help her making excuses.

"But ?", Khun raises his eyebrow as a sign of curiosity. He won't let his beloved sister get away that easily.

Then suddenly, Vic saves the day, "She's just too happy getting me as her sister in law. Right, Sherleen ?"

Then Sherleen nods and make Khun believes her.

While they're having a family chat, someone knocks on the door. Vic walks to the door and peep out to see who's coming.

"It's F(X) daughters !", She says excitedly.

"This is my older brother, Nichchan. P'Chan, these are my daughters, Luna, Sulli and Krystal",

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