Chapter 7 - It's Our Honeymoon

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We arrived at Jeju International Airport. Vic with her sleepy eyes, following my lead as we walking toward the taxi stand without complaining. She slept when we're flying. She even lean to me (again!) while sleeping, and I just can't help to lean to her. I'm not sleepy but, I must keep my position so I won't wake her up.

We got a taxi and we're heading to Seogwipo. It's the city where Kwonnie and Ga In noona celebrate their 1st anniversary. And they said that it's more like a quiet place so, people often not recognize them. And that's what i need for my so-called-honeymoon.

"Omma, are you sleepy again ?", I ask as she just being quiet since we landed.

She smiles at me, "No. I'm just thinking about what we're going to do as soon as we get to Seogwipo".

"So, what do you have in mind ?", Actually, I haven't think about any schedule for us. We can got where ever we want.

"Hmm, we have to go to the beach. We love beach soo much. And then walking around the place", she answer. I can see happiness on her facial expression.

"I agree", I nod. "Hey, give me you're phone, Omma"

She frown, "Waeyo ?".

"I don't want anyone to interrupt us, so I'm turning off my phone, and so is yours"

Then she gives me her phone, and I turn it off.

"There. No one will bug us for these 2 days"

"Oh and I want to visit Teddy Bear museum", Vic starts to wiggle-wiggle her body.

I shake my head and smile. Her cute act is just an addiction for me.

Dear GOD, why you create such a nearly perfect woman like this ? Nice, Pretty, Cute, and good cooking skill.

I sneak my left arm behind her, and my hand on her waist. I pull her closer to me, so she can lean on my chest. At first, I thought she will pull away from me after my sudden reaction. But she's not.

"As you wish, my princess"


"As you wish, my princess", he said.

I let out a shy smile, and he's looking at me. He pulled me closer to him so I can hear his heart beat, sense his perfume and lean on his chest. Dear GOD, why you create such a nearly perfect man like him ? Handsome, Nice, Caring.

I look up the window, looking excited to all the view around Jeju. This island is such like a heaven. I let out a smile. Enjoying this moment. Only us and Jeju.

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