Chapter 21 - 4 Years Later .....

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This is going to be the last chapter of "We (Really) Got Married". I do hope that each and everyone of you satisfied with the story. I hope i can still make another story about Khuntoria family. I want to say thank you to every readers for the love and supports. Cheongmal Kamsahamnida, Xie xie, Kapunkkap, Thank you, Arigatougozaimasu, Terima kasih !!!



It's another fun morning in our house. My dear husband, Khun, is sitting on the couch and sipping his coffee while reading a newspaper. I'm cooking breakfast for the 3 of us.

"Omma, pegopa yo", Khun says from the couch and giving me his favorite pout.

I laugh as I place the cooked scramble eggs on the plate and taking out the toast breads from the toaster, "It's almost ready, Appa"

Then suddenly, my little boy yells from upstairs. "Omma ! Where's my socks ?"

That's Nichkey, our little Thai-Chinese prince. I shake my head and smile. Then, Khun flips his paper and goes upstairs.

"I'll handle that", he says as he goes.

I place the scramble eggs and toast bread on each plate. I add boiled vegetables on it and some grilled chicken slice. Then my 2 beloved boys appear in front of me.

Khun helped Nichkey finding his socks and helped him get ready. Khun is holding him now. "Nicky-ah, tell Omma what you did upstairs recently", Khun asks him.
"Oh, waeyo ? what did you do, sweety ?", I ask curiously to my cute son.
"Omma...", he starts as he plays with Khun's hair. "I danced NU ABO..." then he smiles happily.

I can't hide my surprise, "What ?!".

Khun nods, and kisses Nicky's forehead, "I was surprised also, He was dancing perfectly when I went up just a few minutes ago".

"Who taught you that, sweety ?. You, Appa ?", I ask Khun. But Khun answers with a shake head.

Then Khun and I looking to our little Nicky curiously.

"I watched Omma and Appa's NU ABO video...", he answers and grinning cutely.

"Sweety...", I'm so speechless after hearing that. Khun then puts him on the chair next to me. Khun sits in front of me and ready to eat breakfast.

"Jalmokseumnida...", Khun says and we start to eat together. Nicky eats well, he loves scramble eggs.

"Slowly, sweety...", I say as I clean his cheek that got some scramble eggs on it.

As if ignoring me, Nicky eats faster the toast bread and ignoring the vegetables.

I pout to Khun, and he gives me a why look.

"Our little prince is just like you. Not listening well to what parents say...", I say.

"Hey...I did listen well though. But forgive us, that's what boys do", Khun says and continue eat with a little laugh.

I almost forgot to eat my breakfast because I really pay attention to my 2 boys. Watching them, taking care of them. What else do I need in life ?. And then I start eating my breakfast.


Its Nicky's first day at kindergarten. Luckily, I don't have any schedule this morning, and so does Vic, so we can take Nicky to kinder. On our way to his school, Nicky is talking all the time.

"Omma, Appa, I want to be a singer and dancer like you when I grow up", he says as he sits on the back seat and between us.

"Of course you can. You're our son", Vic says as she pats Nicky's head lovingly.

"Yes !!! When do I start training, Omma, Appa ?", Nicky asks. I can't help not to laugh hard. My son in his young age already thinking about training ?. Oh my God, I should teach him to study well first.

"You already starts training now at home. But you can't leave school, Nicky-ah. Promise me that you won't leave school for singing !" I say as Vic's giving me a nod.

"Ung...I promise you, Appa !", he says happily.
We nearly get to the kinder. Vic starts giving Nicky a morality speech.

"Sweety, be nice to all new friends and respect the teachers. Greet them well and always smile, arasso ? Don't fight no matter what. If there's someone who's not nice to you, just tell the teacher, okay ?" Vic says with her motherly tone, as always.

Nicky nods, "Arasso, Omma". Then, he smiles.

Then I add, "Don't forget to say thank you to everyone that helped you. Be a nice and helpful to all your friends, arasso ?"

"Ne...Arasso, Appa", he answers.

And then, as we get into the kinder, just as we're walking toward the front door, Nicky asks again.

"Omma, Appa, can I show my NU ABO dance to my class ?"

Then, Vic and I are looking at each other. We laugh together after hearing Nicky's question. We both agree and giving him a nod. My little family is going to be more fun now.

*Once again thank you very much for all the love and supports for this fanfic. I might not a good writer, but i do hope that my story can entertain you guys :)) Feel free to give comments about this last finale chapter. Hope i can make another fanfic, still about Khuntoria family, perhaps. Kamsahamnida :)) 

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