Chapter 13 - What You Won't Do For Love ?

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Khun said that I have to runaway again. This time, I'm alone. Khun said it's better for me to stay with his family for a while. The press, the fans and my company will hunt me down and shooting questions at me about the pregnancy news if I'm still here in Seoul. Also, I think I need someone to take care of me. I wish Khun will let me fly back to Qingdao to be with my family. But he said that, the company will probably search me to Qingdao. If I'm in thailand, the Horvejkul will protect me.

"It's gonna be alright, Omma. It's better for you to calm yourself down and don't get stress too much. It's not good for pregnancy", he says and giving the smarty pants look. I know deep down he's also afraid, but he won't show it to me. He's with me now in F(X) dorm, helping me to pack my bags.

I smile as I lean to him again, I'm tired of those questions, it feels so blessed when you have some one to lean on and make you feel safe.

"I know you're afraid too. But, please let me be your strength. And as a bonus...", my face is getting closer to his. I lift my self up and kiss him right on his forehead.

He's surprised with my sudden reaction. Then he teases me back. He pouts his lips as unsatisfied look. He turns his head and continues packing my things.

"Waeyo ?", I ask with concern look. What made him sad ?.

"Nothing", he mumbles as still continue packing. I get it a little disturbing, he's ignoring me after I kissed his forehead. Did I do wrong ?.

"Okay. Whatever you say. I don't want to quarrel only because of this", then I busy my self to pack in silence.

Suddenly Khun turns his head at me, he gives me a deep hug and he whisper to me , "you and our future baby is my strength now". He loose his hug, lifting my chin up and moving his face closer to mine.

He whisper, "a kiss on the forehead is not enough..."

We're really close, then he kisses my lips passionately. It's a long and sweet passionate kiss, I'm the one who stop it because suddenly I remember that I have to pack before runaway alone to Thailand.

We laugh as we ended the intimate session, and he says, "now I feel on full strength". He let out a devilish smile and grabs my waist closer to him.

"I'm gonna miss you", he mumbles.


As soon as Vic finished packing, we left to the airport. Our daughters were crying, and gave strength to Vic and me. We went to the basement and got inside the car without seeing Vic's manager or others from her company. Along the way to the airport, we're holding each other's hand. We know that this is gonna be a goodbye for a while. And I have to stand alone to finish the problem. I called my mom and told her about my plan to send Vic to Thailand to make sure she's safe. My mom agreed and she'll pick Vic on the airport her self. I know it'll be hard for Vic especially, since the last time we went to Thailand it's the language barrier problem that came out. But I can't let her go to Qingdao. Her company people might look for her there. I don't want to add another stressor to her. It's not good for our future baby.

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