Chapter 3 - I'm Not Okay

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I decided to make samgyupsal for her. I know she might bore with it, but it's just like a family tradition now. And it's the only recipe I know. Okay, did I sound that pathetic ?. I think I have to improve my cooking skills. So I went to the meat shop near our house. We both already close with the neighborhood since Vic always buys ingredients and having a small chats sometimes with them. When I got into the meat shop, the Ahjussi gave a smile at me.

"oh, Nichkhun-ssi, annyeonghaseyo ", he greeted.

I greeted in return, "annyeonghaseyo, ahjussi"

"Where's your wife ?", he asked, "I missed chatting with her. You have such a nice wife, you know"

I chuckled, "I'm in charge of cooking today. So I'm the one who's shopping".

"Ah ! I love newlyweds. Love everywhere", he said. "Anyway, what are you going to cook for her ?"


"It's been long since the last time your wife ask for samgyupsal to me. You're going to make a surprise for her, eh ?" the ahjussi preparing the samgyupsal for me.

"Yeah, kind of"

"Well, let me suggest you, boy. Make a candle light dinner tonight. No woman can stand such a romantic thing", then the ahjussi laugh.

I laugh too. Well, maybe he's right. "thanks , ahjussi"

Then I left the shop with a samgyupsal and then head to a supermarket. I'm going to buy a green tea ice cream for her and also vanilla ice cream. Also some vegetables and snacks. Sometimes I get hungry at night. Then I head back to the house. I'll make her fall for me. Then I talk to one of the staff, whisper to him to do a favor for me.

"Camera...action !"

Khun starts to cook. He washes the vegetables, carefully cut it, and place it on the plate. He grills the samgyupsal and adding grill kimchi also. Vic is observing from a far. She can't hide her smile as she watches her husband trying so hard in the kitchen. She continues reading a fashion magazine, ignoring Khun.

Meanwhile, Khun trying his best as he starts to decorate the table, while Vic doesn't even care watching him prepare. Khun also prepare the Nokja (Green Tea) ice cream in the fridge. He finished preparing the table and then he ask Vic to pick something upstairs.

"Omma, could you pick the camera upstairs ?"

"Eh ? Waeyo ?" She ask, while her eyes still stuck on the magazine.

Khun trying to make excused as he then answer, "I want to commemorate my masterpiece cooking"

As expected, Vic can't help her self. She laugh hard, but then she put down her magazine and go upstairs to pick up the camera.

While Vic away, Khun dim the family room, kitchen room lights. He put out the candles and put it in the middle of the table.

"I hope she'll love it since she adore childish stuffs", Khun said.

Not long, Vic coming from upstairs. She gives a sudden stop at the middle of the stairs as she watches Khun smiling at her, with a table full of his decoration.

Vic continue to come down and walking towards Khun. Once again, her jaws drop.

"Surprise !", Khun gives her a beaming smile.

"Waeyo appa ? Is there anything to celebrate ?", She ask curiously.

"'s 5 months of our marriage", he answer. "And I thought maybe I could do something for you. So I think, why don't I make a candle light dinner for you?"

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