Chapter 4 - Marry You

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It's morning already. I hardly can sleep last night after a little misunderstanding we had.

I'm pretty sure he's jealous with Kyuhyun. When I was in the kitchen, I can see him sleeping like a baby on the sofa. I sighed heavily. Then I wrote a note for him. I prepared a breakfast for him before I go. I try to hold my emotions. I don't know why but I really wanna clear things up.

Come on, Victoria, uljimayo (don't cry) !

Then I left the house with mixed feelings. I need my daughters right now.

I left with taxi, and heading to f(x) dorm.


I open my eyes since the sunlight drop right on my face. I only sleep for 2 hours. I can't sleep after what happened last night. I sigh, and moving my body so that now I'm no longer in my sleeping position. I sit and still thinking. Why I did such a stupid reaction like last night ? She might think that I'm weird if angry over something like that. I pick up Ireumi, our caterpillar doll, that I accidentally throw away last night. It's not his fault that we quarrel.

"Ya ! Ireumi...sorry I throw you last night. I was soo angry because your mom's going to do a dancing with Kyuhyun. Was I overboard about it ?" I says to Ireumi.

I sigh, again. I really wanna make it up to her today.

So, I move to the stairs and heading to our room. The light's off in our room. She's also not in the bathroom. She's left.

I went downstairs to the kitchen. Then, I see the note. To Khun Appa

I quickly open it. It says :

Appa, I know you're still angry, but I got to go to work. I'm sorry.

I made you breakfast. Don't forget to eat.

8.3.1 Khun Appa -Vic-

I feel guilty afterward. I'm the one who supposed to apologize to her. And what's 8.3.1 by the way ?

Some kind of code ?


I arrived at f(x) dorm. When Sulli open the door, I straight away hug her, follow by Luna and Krystal.

"Unni, what's wrong ?", Luna ask after she saw a bit of tears in my eyes.

"Did something happen ?", Krystal also watch as a tears fall down to my cheek.

The four of us then gather on the living room. I just can't stop my tears.

"There..there, unni. Now, tell us what happened", Sulli hug me, trying to make me calm down.

Then I tell them what happened last night, include our romantic moments.

I'm soo happy to have such a little family called f(x). I can share anything with them.

"So, appa jealous with Kyu oppa", Luna conclude it after I finished my story.

"Aish! He's overboard", snap Krystal.

"no...I thought appa is cute", Sulli let out her opinion.

All the 3 of us stare at her with curiosity. Cute, she said ?.

"When a guy jealous of another guy who's close with you, that means he had something for you", she explain. "And the way they expressed it is always different. Depends on each person. "

"Ya ! Sulli, what do you know about jealousy and love ?", Luna tease her.

"Hey! I learned from dramas, okay ..."

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