Chapter 5 - Let's Runaway Again !!!

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It's been 2 weeks since our visit to the bridal shop. I and 2PM got a packed schedule and so is she and F(x). We only sent sms to each other. Just to ask how her day is and what's she doing.

I can't call her every time. Coz it'll draw much attention to her manager. And I don't want to get her in trouble. So, sometimes, I call her on midnight.

I won't lie. I miss her.

I enjoy our night conversation, while imagining her here with me.

Her smile, her laugh, her cute expressions.

When she lean on me, when she pinch my cheek, when she's in my arm.

I'm. Officially. Going. Crazy. Now.

Wooyoung catches my going-crazy expression.

"Ya! Hyung! Kwenchana ? (You alright ?)", He asks and then sit in front of me.

I'm mumble, "Wooyoung-a, maybe I'm wanting her more than just my make believe wife".

Wooyoung stares at me with his confuse look, then he yell out for Taecyon, "Hyung! I need a help here!"

Then on the speed of light, Taecyon coming into our room.

"What happened ?", he ask and looking at me and Wooyoung.

"He's the one who needs major help", Wooyoung points at me. "He said, he wanted her more than just as his make believe wife"

Taec chuckles and pat me on my shoulder.

"Whooaa, a girl could make you went crazy." Taec making jokes to me.

"Stop mocking me, Taec", I find his jokes kind of bothering me.

"Hyung, we're going to Japan soon. Are you sure you want to keep WGM-ing ?", Wooyoung wakes me up from my trance.

I'm going to Japan soon. And I haven't told Vic yet.

"I need to talk to her, and discussing whether we still want to keep WGM-ing or not", I say with a small voice.

"The sooner the better, Khun. You don't want to hurt her again, right ?" Taec says.

I sigh. This time, it's a big decision. Between career and heart, or should I say, "Love".

Khun tries to call her. She said that she's back from China.

He dials her number and waiting furiously. But it doesn't take long, Vic picks up his call.

"Yeoboseyo ?", Vic answers.

"Annyeong, Omma. How are you ?", Khun begins.

"I'm fine. How are you, Appa ? Did you eat well while you're away ?", She asks with concern.

"I'm fine. I eat well. But I miss your cooking", He answers. Actually, he missed her soo much.

They both laugh.

"Anyway, have you eat yet ?"

"No, I haven't", she replies.

Khun let a beaming smile, "I'm gonna pick you up and we can lunch together. If you don't mind"

"I'd love to"

Khun punch his fist to a free air.

"Alright then, I'm heading to your dorm"

Then he ends up the call.


I'm already in her dorm's basement parking. I dial her number again.

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