Chapter 10 - You're My Responsibility Now, Omma

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Early morning, they wake up as still hugging each other. Khun kisses her forehead once again before they get dress and return to their hectic life. After returning the key house to the owner Ahjussi's house, Khun takes Vic back to her dorm. Without their knowing, someone has been watching over them since they walked out of the house and took their pictures.




After my night with Khun, I realized that it was like a mistake. I felt guilty to my self but I also felt that it's a right thing to do. We haven't met again since that. But we always text and call each other every midnight. He said that he's sorry for doing that to me, and he also realized that we're not supposed to do that. I got schedules that not only with f(X) but also with SM Entertainment family. And MBC Koala also making me going around the country and it drains my strength. I told the kids about what happened to me and Khun that night. I made them swear to GOD again, and they thought it was romantic. I thought that too.


"Omma, that's soo sweet !", Krystal giggling. Luna and Sulli also can't hide their excitement. "It was. But I still felt guilty inside", I tell them my worry.


"But, when you do it with someone you really love, why worry much ?", Luna says, "besides, both of you are married. Well, literally".


Then, our manager oppa come and cut our 'ladies heart to heart session'. We're doing Invincible Youth today. Such a nice weather and a sweet environment. I'm enjoying the shooting today, but then suddenly, I feel like my world go dizzy and I can't get hold of my self.


I lean my self to the wall and start to regain my self conscious. Luckily, the kids and our manager oppa didn't notice. But when I look my self in the mirror, I look pale. Maybe I need to eat well, I didn't eat well lately because of the schedule.




The memory of that night still lingers on. A part of me thought that it was romantic, a part of me made me feel like a pervert. I didn't told anyone about it, even I know boys usually in American boasting about this kind of thing, but I still it's not appropriate to boast about such thing. Did I do wrong if doing it with someone you love ?. Oh, I wonder what she is doing right now.


'Omma, what're you doing ?', I text.
Not long, I get a reply, 'I'm shooting for Invincible Youth. I feel dizzy just a second ago, maybe I


didn't eat well'


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