Chapter 9 - Just The Way You Look Tonight [M]

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The next day of honeymoon, after they both confessed on the beach, they spent together to explore Jeju island, had a quality time with each other before they get stuck with their schedules. Khun and Vic decided to keep their relationship low. They only told their parents and their fellow member (for Khun's case, he only told Wooyoung and Taec) and they made their fellow members swore to GOD to keep their lovely secret. Before they flew back to Seoul, Khun found a jewelry store and made a couple ring for them. Not literally to attach each other, but the more important is for remembrance that they'll always be with each other wherever they go.

Meanwhile, both of their managers find it difficult for their artist to have a spare time to make the goodbye episode. And they made dealing with MBC WGM staffs that as long as MBC still have stocks for their further episodes that would be no need to rush them to make the goodbye episode.

As soon as they're back to Seoul, their manager already serves them with packed schedules. Khun with his preparation for Japan, including studying Japanese (He already fluent in English and Hanguk-mal plus a little bit of Chinese), Baskin Robbins photo shoot. Vic with F(x)'s new album preparation, MBC Koala and G20 preparation. They couldn't see each other since then, only contacting from smses and midnight calls.

And so on the day Khun and 2PM fly to Japan, Khun only say goodbye through phone call, because Vic still shooting for Koala. It must be really hard for them, because usually new dated couple always wants to be together at all time.


I'm leaving her today. And probably we can see each other again in 2-3 months. I'm taking my Omma teddy bear and wearing our couple ring. Min Jae hyung told me that I don't have to quit from WGM, at least as long as they still got stocks for our episodes. Now I can breathe little bit easier. At least I can go to Japan with good heart. Last night, when I called her, I said,

"Take good care of yourself and our daughters. I'm gonna miss you, Omma. I'll always call you every midnight" She laughed over the phone, "Why do I feel like a Midnight Cinderella ? Only meet her prince at midnight"
"We did what we had to do right now. I love you, Omma"
"Love you too, Appa" I heard her sobbed over the phone.


A month, 2 months, 3 months. I missed him. He told me that he'll back after 3 months. We always talk over the phone every midnight, sms or sending each other pictures on work. But it still didn't mend me. I wish I could fly to Japan right now. It's already 9 pm here, I wonder what's he doing right now. Suddenly, someone knock on my door.

"Vic Omma, can I come in ?". It's Luna.

I open the door for her, as soon as she's inside, she sits next to me on the bed.

"Omma, what's with your face ?", she asks, "You missed Khun appa, don't you ?"

I nod. You can call me a nagging wife, but I do really miss him soo bad. I miss his prince gesture, his hug, and even his kiss.

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