Chapter 6 - We Should Act Like A Real Couple

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I decided to take her for another runaway. This time, no cameras, no lightings, no staffs and no commentators. Just the two of us. I made Wooyoung and Taec promised that they won't tell anyone, even Min Jae hyung and the rest of the members. I prepared everything myself. I sent Vic an sms, gave her the details of the plan, and told her that I'll pick her up. I don't have any schedule on the weekend, so I told Min Jae hyung that I'm going to have a me time for 2 days.

"Where are you going, Khun ?", he asked me.

"I'm going to village, hyung. I need a me time", that's all I can answered him.

Then Min Jae hyung let me. He thought that our packed schedules must made me tired and he's agree that I need a me time.

I even called my mom and told her that I'm taking Vic to runaway.

"Buck, you have to take care of her and protect her. Don't do anything silly, or Mom will kill you", she said.

I said yes to her. And then she said, "Buck, I want her to be your real wife".

I stopped breathing for a while after hearing that. Even my Mom wants me to have her.

"I know, Mom. I need her"


I told the girls that I'm going to runaway with Khun, and made them swear to GOD that they won't tell anyone. Then, the hardest part, asking for permission to our Oppa.

I told him, that I'm going to visit a cousin of mine in a Village. I felt guilty afterward, but then, it's the only way. At first, I still questioning why. But then again, I asked my self, why questioning if I'm wanting to be with him as well ?.

I hope I won't regret it. I even called my mother whether I made the right choice or not. She only told me, "Just follow your heart, dear. Mom always be by your side"

Then, I let my tears drop. I know, Mom. I think I need him.

It's 6 am on Saturday. Khun is ready to off to her dorm. He takes his car and drives carefully and makes it on time to her dorm. Vic already wait for him in the basement parking.

"Morning, Omma. Are you ready ?", he says as Vic already in the car and their bags filled in their back seat.

Vic gives a curious look, "Ready! But, where are we going ?"

Khun starts the engine and drive off, as he answer her, "We're going to leave the car in the airport valet. And we'll fly"

"Fly ? to where ?", She even more curious, she punches his arm slowly.

"Ouch, it hurts, Omma"

Then she ask politely, "Where are we going, Appa ?"

He smiles at her, then increase the car speed, "We're going to Jeju-do"

"Ehhhhh ?"

Khun and Vic finally arrive at Incheon International Airport. Khun parks his car and starts making disguise for them selves. Khun wears a beanie and his new sunglasses, while Vic wears her fave hat and Khun's fave sunglasses. They unloaded their luggage, and heading to the entrance.

"Khun, Don't we draw attention to people ?", Vic starts to feel unease. She's afraid if someone from her company sees her running away with artist from different company.

"No, as long as we're moving fast and didn't give much awkward gesture", he reply. Inside, he feels unease too.

"I think, we should act like a real couple", Vic concluded.

Khun head turns fast at her. Shocked by her straight forward line. But then he agrees to it.

"Here, hold my hand. Just don't let it go no matter what! If there's any fans noticing us, when I say 'run', you have to run, okay ?", he convince her. She feels more confident now.

"I feel like I'm already married", she say quietly, but Khun still can hear it. He grin at her. Then she leans to his arm.

"Well, we're already married, right ? Let's just say, this is our honeymoon", Khun jokes to her. He holds her hand and they both start running to the entrance with their luggage.

They finally got in save. Khun straight away checks in and Vic following. They're using Jeju Air.

They don't need to wait any longer. As soon as they arrive at the boarding room, the gate to the aircraft open.

Both of them are still holding hand in hand. Causing people around them adoring their romantic act.

Vic blushed right away, but her husband still keeps his cool gesture. Just like a prince. A true Prince of Thailand.

They enter the gate and walking toward the aircraft, finding their seats and sigh as a relieve.

"Are you excited ?", Khun ask as they buckle their seatbelt.

Vic nods excitedly, "Sooo excited. I can't sleep last night". She starts to move her body as a happy gesture. Khun can't help but laugh.

"You're as excited as a newlywed", Khun tease her. He starts taking picture with his iPhone.

Vic frowned and blushed. She did imagine this is her newlywed honeymoon.

"Come on, we have to act like a newlywed", she say.

"Omma, we're 5 months now. It's no longer a newlywed", Khun just flush her imagination down the drain.

Vic pouted her lips, "I want to feel like a real wife on honeymoon". She lowers her voice, but Khun still can hear it, so he's smiling happily at her.

"You want us to act like a real couple ? are you sure ?", Khun gives his devilish smile at her. Looking at her up and down, raising his eyebrow. He must have thinking something.

She blushed again, "What's with that look, Appa ?!". She's also thinking something.

"Omma, it's just the two of us. All that we do here, is a real expression, not an act", Khun turns serious as he looks her in the eye.

"Oh yeah ? like what ?", Vic surprise how she even can challenge him like that.

"Like this...", then Khun lean himself to her, his hand reaching her head. His lips getting near to her face. Vic automatically closes her eyes. His lips landed on her forehead. Then he kisses there. Both of them nearly can feel each other heart beats faster. It wasn't a friendly kiss, and nor a passionate kiss. It's just perfect. Then they pull away, and blushed.

This runaway will be different then before.

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