Chapter 2 - A Note for Vic

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GOD, those staffs really know how to ruin a sweet moment. And what was that ? that part she did was improvisation. Did she really mean it ?. I mean, was that from her heart ?. I think I just have to find out later.

She's gonna do the laundry today, and I'm in charge of cooking. She carried the laundry basket from upstairs. It was too fast and she's not watching her steps. She slipped, the laundry basket thrown, and she's loosing her balance. I'm in the kitchen and see the scene perfectly, automatically run to her to catch her. The laundry drop all over the living room.

"WAAAAAA !!! ", She screams. She catches her breath and my heart thumbing faster.

Whoa, Khun, She definitely can feel your heartbeat. She looked into my eyes and I skipped my breath for a second. She blushed.

My dear GOD, she's cute. For a minute, we enjoy the moment. Or maybe only me ?

Then I look around, the cameras not on and no lightning. I sigh as a relieve, wish there are no more cameras or lightning. Wish this is all our moment.

The staffs show up after they heard her scream. I release her.

"You alright Victoria ?", ask one of the staff.

"I'm okay", she reply. She gives her smile to make sure the staffs don't get panic after the accident.

The staffs left to prepare the cameras and stuffs.

I catch Vic's wrist, "Are you okay ?" I'm soo concerned with her. That accident made me loose my breath.

She tap on my hand, and gives her best smile, "I'm okay, Khun. And...and... thanks to you, I don't know what will happen, if you're not there"

I laugh. And, beyond my control, my silly hand went to her cheek and pinches her.

False move, Khun. Is she going to mad at me after this ?

Her hand pinch my cheek back. No, she's not mad.

She laugh at me, who froze after she did it. "Cute Khun"


"Okay, shooting time. Camera, rolling....action!"

Khun and Vic are in the kitchen.

"So, what do you want me to cook for you ?", Khun ask. He's waiting with a pen and a paper. Making list what he has to buy.

Vic think for a while. Then she said, "It's up to you, appa. I can eat whatever you made for me".

Khun smile, he write "she likes whatever I made for her"

"What did you write ?", Vic curiousity going.

"Nothing...", Khun lied. Then he write "surprise her with something"

"Now you're writing again. Let me see it!" Vic is trying to grab his paper. Khun's back facing her, protecting the paper.

"You can't !" Khun laugh and he's still backing her.

Vic trying to reach the paper again, but then Khun stop her by suddenly facing her. Their face are only 5 cm away from each other. They separate each other. Vic blushed. Khun looking away.

The staffs pretend that they don't see anything recently.

Vic grab the laundry basket, "Appa, I'm gonna do the laundry now", then she walks away.

Khun stills in the kitchen. He take out another piece of paper, write down something on it, then left it on the pantry table.

"Omma ! I'm going to the market now" Then he left the house. Some staffs accompany him and shooting along the way.


What was that ? My heart beats faster than ever. I touch my chest, feeling the heart beat.

He catches me and what did I do back then ? I pinch his cheek ? This is soo not me. Something is controlling me!

"Am I falling in love with him ?", I'm mumble for myself. Make sure there's no staff listening.

I walk to the kitchen, and to the pantry. Something caught my eyes. A piece of paper. Is it the one Khun has been wrote on before ? I take the paper as I'm curious as well. I read it in my heart.

"I'm going to the market, Omma. I'm gonna make something for you. Don't miss me. Love, Khun"

My jaw drop, I close my mouth with my hand. "Love, Khun". So this is what he hid from me before.

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